Expanded Spell-Like Ability hierarchy

Rules Questions

Is there an official expanded hierarchy for which version of a spell a spell-like ability uses beyond the standard order of sorcerer/wizard, cleric, druid, bard, paladin, and ranger? In other words, a hierarchy that takes into account all of the spellcasting classes including the new occult classes.

There isn't, but does there need to be?
I'm not familiar with the occult class spell lists, but are their any spells unique to the classes that appear on more than one occult class spell list at different levels? or a paladin/ranger exclusive spell that appears on the occult spell list?

Those are the only ways I can see a difficulty arising.

If a spell is unique, there is no conflict. If it's not unique it is highly unlikely to trump the existing order (I can see an argument for a new full casting class trumping paladin/ranger).

No, there has been no officially updated hierarchy list made to include the new classes yet as far as I'm aware. An un-official list could probably be easily made following the pattern of the existing list.

And to dragon, yes, their are a number of spells that appear at different levels for the different occult classes. There are 4th, 6th, and 9th level casters in the group.

Well we can establish some things through precedence such as full caster taking priority over a partial caster.

Because of just how much of the spell list goes to wizards and clerics, there is little need for an expanded list.

If it isn't on the current list, then it is most likely a class specific spell (like a bard musical thing, or an oracle curse thing), and in that case you can easily decide which type it is.

Occult might bring new spells...but I doubt many of them are both excluded from the existing classes and included in multiple occult classes (particularly ones accorss the arcane/divine divide).

Aye, I don't have access to the full spell lists, but how many new occult spells are both unique to occult classes and have the mesmerist/occultist/spiritualist at different levels.

Psychic being top of the pile and medium at the bottom, those two fall easily into place.

There is also spells that only are for classes not on the hierarchy list. For example, the spell Bloodhound from the APG has a Alchemist version and a Inquisitor/Ranger version. It is not clear which one would be used for a SLA.

Alchemist isn't a spellcaster, thus remain ranger and inquisitor that are both divine

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