Paladin class deck character sheets

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Am I just missing this on the website but I cannot seem to find the Paladin character sheets for download. If any of you have played with me you have seen my notebook of my characters and would really like to print out the sheets for the paladins.

Any help would be appreciated ;)

They aren't available yet. When they are, you will find them here. If you've downloaded them before, you will also notice an update in "My Downloads" once they are added.

1/5 *

If it helps, the official release date for the Paladin deck is Wednesday, September 2nd.

Grand Lodge

Parody wrote:
If it helps, the official release date for the Paladin deck is Wednesday, September 2nd.

Vic has stated in the past that deck lists and character sheets will be added to the appropriate resources once the product has been released.

Thanks for the info :).

Look forward to being able to download the materials ;).

And they're up!

I noticed a probable typo on Raz's sheet. Her second role is called "Fair Tra*i*der"; I assume it should be "Fair Trader", unless it was a clunky attempt at combining "trader" and "raider".

Based on a quick look at the deck list, it seems like characters who are looking for specific card traits (Polearms for Raz/Dog Rider, Swords for Seelah/Light of the Sword) have 4-6 options across all levels, so they should have the proper support throughout the adventure paths. Good job, designers!

coriolis wrote:
Based on a quick look at the deck list, it seems like characters who are looking for specific card traits (Polearms for Raz/Dog Rider, Swords for Seelah/Light of the Sword) have 4-6 options across all levels, so they should have the proper support throughout the adventure paths. Good job, designers!

May I ask where you're seeing the deck list? The PACG Resources page shows the Class Deck lists haven't been updated since October 2014. I also can't seem to locate an updated WotR card list...

1/5 *

It's been updated in your downloads, even if the resources page doesn't say so.

Grand Lodge

Johnny Chronicle wrote:
coriolis wrote:
Based on a quick look at the deck list, it seems like characters who are looking for specific card traits (Polearms for Raz/Dog Rider, Swords for Seelah/Light of the Sword) have 4-6 options across all levels, so they should have the proper support throughout the adventure paths. Good job, designers!
May I ask where you're seeing the deck list? The PACG Resources page shows the Class Deck lists haven't been updated since October 2014. I also can't seem to locate an updated WotR card list...

No, the deck lists for Adv Deck 4 and the Paladin Class Deck are not up yet. What is up is the character sheets for them and the graphics for the characters. (Although there is a deck list for the Paladins included in the character sheets file.)

Johnny Chronicle wrote:
May I ask where you're seeing the deck list?

As others have said, it's included with the new character sheets. Specifically the file "PACG-DeckList-CD.pdf" in the folder "CommunityUsePackagePathfinderAdventureCardGameCharacterSheets-ClassDecks".

Note that the paladin deck list is not listed in alphabetical order of classes, but instead has been added at the end. Hopefully that will be fixed in future versions, otherwise you would have to remember in what order each class deck was released to quickly find its deck list.

Grand Lodge

It might be in order of releases.

coriolis wrote:
Johnny Chronicle wrote:
May I ask where you're seeing the deck list?
As others have said, it's included with the new character sheets. Specifically the file "PACG-DeckList-CD.pdf" in the folder "CommunityUsePackagePathfinderAdventureCardGameCharacterSheets-ClassDecks".

There it is! Thanks!

I notice they've changed the listing to purely alphabetical rather than by Adventure Deck Number. If anyone's interested in feedback, I prefer it the old way. I organize my Class Deck contents by Deck Number to make random pulls and upgrade choices quicker, and I think it makes sense to organize the Deck List the same way.

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