Blue_Method |
The Background: I'm rerolling my magus as a conjuration wizard in our group(we just hit level 9) in a party that starting next session will have a Self Buffing Bloodrager, a Swashbuckler and a bow Slayer. I really want to focus on Battlefield control/Debuffing as that was basically what I was doing with my Magus, but he lacked staying power to fill that role consistently. The Conjuror will have a Improved Familiar(Faerie Dragon) and Craft Wand in an effort to really pump out spells per combat and Craft Rod at level 9 to apply metamagic on the fly. Looking like:
1. -Spell Focus: Conjuration
3. -Augment Summoning
5. -Superior Summons
5. -Craft Wand
7. -Improved Familiar
9. -Craft Rod
The Question: Well, I have a bunch(like is wand of Telekinetic Charge/Ennervation worth it if you have craft wand?). But REALLY the one I want help with is the summoning. Summon Monster X spells are super cool and versatile, but with so much damage and a party of half melee characters and no support casters - would't it be better to shy away from meat/damage summons?
-In which case, do I really need Augment Summoning?
-If I'm only summoning for ranged damagers and SLA's...is it even worth taking Superior Summons?
-What are the Summon Monsters I would use at that point, anyways?

andreww |
If going down the summoning route then you really want to be either all in or not at all. If summoning you really want augment Summons, Superior Summoning but more importantly Academae Graduate.
If you aren't going down the summon route I would switch to Greater Spell Focus and try and fit in Persistent and/or Dazing Spell somewhere.

Blue_Method |
If going down the summoning route then you really want to be either all in or not at all. If summoning you really want augment Summons, Superior Summoning but more importantly Academae Graduate.
If you aren't going down the summon route I would switch to Greater Spell Focus and try and fit in Persistent and/or Dazing Spell somewhere.
My DM already ruled out Academae Graduate due to it's 3rd party source. The Persistent and Dazing route seems really interesting. Add oomph to my control/control capacity. Though I dislike how much higher of a spell slot they take up - hence the Craft Rods.

andreww |
My DM already ruled out Academae Graduate due to it's 3rd party source. The Persistent and Dazing route seems really interesting. Add oomph to my control/control capacity. Though I dislike how much higher of a spell slot they take up - hence the Craft Rods.
Acadamae Graduate is from Curse of the Crimson Throne Players Guide which is a Paizo product. Rods are strong but expensive. You may be better with having the feats and crafting multiple Staves of the Master Necromancer.

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If going down the summoning route then you really want to be either all in or not at all. If summoning you really want augment Summons, Superior Summoning but more importantly Academae Graduate.
If you aren't going down the summon route I would switch to Greater Spell Focus and try and fit in Persistent and/or Dazing Spell somewhere.
You don't need to be that binary about it. If your party has plenty of beat sticks like you said that extra +2 to hit and damage is gravy, not required. Your summons already fill the one essential function, they serve as targets so that PC's don't have to. They don't need to dominate damage or even survive the combat.

Physically Unfeasible |

Summon Monster X spells are super cool and versatile, but with so much damage and a party of half melee characters and no support casters - would't it be better to shy away from meat/damage summons?
-In which case, do I really need Augment Summoning?
Your party is still going to feel the benefits of more things to flank with, or hide behind if the going gets rough. Really, the point that is always true of any Wizard is true here: If using X spell X way will help, do it. On that, one of the great things you can do to help a party isn't just to buff them but to manipulate the battlefield in your favour - which is precisely what summoning does in a rather direct way. Same as a minion based necromancer build. Bodies, that are hitting things at that, are something to further decide the flow of an encounter. When you need beatstick summons (which may make a good portion of encounters), you'll feel the difference. There's also that, barring a few - most summons are designed to go in at hit things, with or without SLAs to help.
-If I'm only summoning for ranged damagers and SLA's...is it even worth taking Superior Summons?
If there is only one boost a summon would provide your group, you were probably better off casting that boost yourself. If you're doing it for an offensive SLA: More is more, and more is good. Same for ranged attacks.
-What are the Summon Monsters I would use at that point, anyways?
1d4+2 Latern Archons are still going to really upset things that can't overcome DR/evil.
1d3+1 Medium earth elementals would be a good beatstick option.I'll let someone more intimate with the lists field this properly since I am really not sure what's most optimal.