Loot found items worth (___), are these sold at half or full price?

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

When a party finds loot items like jewellery, precious stones or other non magical, non adventuring gear items with a listed worth, are these items sold at the full worth price? Or at half the worth price?

Asking cos the core book seems to say magical items and gear at half price and trade goods at full.
Asking as a GM.

Those are trade goods - full price.

Ultimate Equipment Page 390 wrote:
Art objects can usually be bought or sold for their base price, and are sometimes used as currency.

Seems to also apply to gems & jewellery.

jewelry: full price
precious stones: full price
non-magical, non-adventuring gear items: more specificity required

If an item is manufactured goods/gear, such as armor, weapons, magic rings and so on, you sell it for half of its price.

If an item is trade goods such as art, gems, coin, non-magic rings and so on, you sell it for its stated value.

Lantern Lodge

Thanks! Time to let my players know.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Anguish wrote:

If an item is manufactured goods/gear, such as armor, weapons, magic rings and so on, you sell it for half of its price.

If an item is trade goods such as art, gems, coin, non-magic rings and so on, you sell it for its stated value.


But some times if something requires an appraised value, if you can't accurately tell it's price you may not be able to sell it for full price.

To OP: As GM you get to decide how pedantic you are on this. I usually have the PC all make the appraise checks and when they go to sell if the vendor/city likes them I'll give them full value. If the vendor/city don't like them I'll give them the value they appraised or full value whichever is lower.

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