Need some metagaming advice for Mummy's Mask (favored enemy)


So a friend of mine is going to be starting up a new game, going for the mummy's mask AP.

My pickle is, what order should I take my favored enemies in? I gather from the description that undead is going to be the big one, but what about my other picks? And should I grab undead from level 1, or is there another configuration that works better?

Don't ask the boards for metagaming advice.
Ask your DM, he/she should be fine with telling you just in general what you're going up against, as it will help you make a useful character and not a worthless one. If he/she does not wish to tell you, he/she will like it even less that you asked on the boards.
I've not played or read the AP, but just from the name I get a feeling of undead.

Rub-Eta wrote:

Don't ask the boards for metagaming advice.

Ask your DM, he/she should be fine with telling you just in general what you're going up against, as it will help you make a useful character and not a worthless one. If he/she does not wish to tell you, he/she will like it even less that you asked on the boards.
I've not played or read the AP, but just from the name I get a feeling of undead.

Ehh, as I'm aware of the circumstances around the game, and the conditions under which I'll be creating the character, I'll go ahead and disregard your advice.

Scarab Sages

Undead, Constructs, Humanoid:Human, Evil Outsider, in that order.

Davor wrote:
Undead, Constructs, Humanoid:Human, Evil Outsider, in that order.

Thanks. I might move some stuff around for flavor, but this is good to know.

Very well, but I still think that asking your DM first is the best option (for both advice and permission).

Did you read the Player's Guide? It has suggestions for favored enemies in MM.

Undead and Humanoid: Human I'd definitely agree on. I don't think there's been that many constructs, so I'd pick human before construct.

Undead>Human>Construct>Evil Outsider.

Edit: Just checked the Player's Guide, here's the advice it has.



The majority of the action in the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path takes place in urban environments, crumbling ruins, and vast deserts. Good choices for favored terrains include desert, urban, and to a lesser degree, underground. Solid favored enemy choices include construct, humanoid (human), magical beast, outsider (elemental), or undead.

Davor wrote:
Undead, Constructs, Humanoid:Human, Evil Outsider, in that order.

This. I'm playing this AP now and this is pretty much the best choices in order as he listed.

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