How would I make a great Kitsune Mesmerist?


I have been told to do a 25 point buy build. We are level 9. And go by pc wealth by level. I want my kitsune to use a sword cane with a metal fox head on the top of the cane. What feats, spells, and items do I want? What tricks are great? Will the kitsune magic ability with its enchantment bonus work with the Mesmerist class?

So no one have advice?

About Occult Adventures, it seems to me that most players are interested only in the Kineticist and Occultist classes. Mostly Kineticist class actually. It is a real shame. I have had very little help with the Spiritualist.
I think the Mesmerist is a very nice class. Being a natural enchanter, the Kitsune race was the first I thought of, too, for a Mesmerist character. I would advise you to get a Cha of at least 18 at first level. I like very much the feat that allows you to intimidate a gazed foe as a swift action. That would make it take another -2 at saving throws. Combined with the -2 from the gaze and the +1 at enchantment of the kitsune, you easily get a really nasty Will-based debuffer. That said, I would get also the feats that allow you to enchant also the foes that would normally be immune to mind affecting spells. And at level 9 you might have to fight also foes with SR so Spell Penetration can help too.

I'm not an expert, far from it; I hope that these suggestions can help you anyway... If no one else answers, late tomorrow I'll try to build something...

Dip heavens oracle for awesome display maybe? It would stack wEll with their level 5 feature and let you spam color spray to no end. If you are going for more of a melee build I think vexing daredevil would be the way to go.

You have a trick to intimidate a foe as a free action too.

Between compel hostility and various tricks you can tank pretty well too. What is it you want to do?

I slapped something together quick in Hero Lab. Nothing terribly unexpected here, I think, but there are lots of choices you could change in that outlay. A lesser persistent rod would be a very welcome addition to the gear, for instance, but you'd have to find 9k somewhere. That's probably dropping the amulet and jingasa, but you come out with a giant screw you to enemies.

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From what I've done with the Mesmerist, I can make a great SoS caster/Debuffer and party face but that's about it (although that's awesome enough to make me want to play it).

I played around with some melee builds and can't find anything that makes me happy.

I played a witch once and I can see the Mesmerist playing very similarly - short range caster and back-up tank using Mirror Image when fighting nasty stuff like Dire Wraiths.

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