Gencon 2015 race boon?

Pathfinder Society

What was the race boon at Gencon this year? I heard there might not be one.

Dark Archive 5/5


Silver Crusade 1/5 Contributor

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Jiraiya22 wrote:
What was the race boon at Gencon this year? I heard there might not be one.

Tier 1: Skinwalker

Tier 2: Changeling(!)

Tier 3: Samsaran

Tier 4: Grippli

2/5 *

I hope that is the new rotation too , tired of seeing only the elemental races.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

The GenCon races almost definitely won't be the rotation boons as GenCon boons have generally been reserved for only GenCon (the GM ones I mean). These have been special for the time and money investment in going to and running at GenCon. I think the PaizoCon GM boons have been treated the same way. I'd be happy to see the elementals switched to something else though.

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