Turn of the Torrent (GM Reference)

Hell's Rebels

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Shadow Lodge

Thomas_Creed wrote:
Rival rebellion - I'm considering reskinning Luculla's group as a rival rebellion group whose methods are diametrically opposed to the PCs. The thought being it keeps the rebellion motif through this section and real life revolutionaries often struggle with in-fighting. Did anyone else do anything similar?

I think of the Red Jills encounter this way. But this, or your proposed reskinning of Luculla's group, isn't "in-fighting" per se, it is competition between rival organizations. For "in-fighting," you'll want to create factions within the Silver Ravens and write encounters based on mediating between them (or aligning with one and subordinating or expelling the other). There are threads here and here about doing that, and @roguerouge has a post somewhere about running an SR convention where the factions present their theses for membership approval and officers for election.

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My Silver Ravens return to the Tooth & Nail after securing the aid of Octavio Sabinus at the Shrine of Saint Senex. Before heading home, Setrona convinces the PCs to join her in a game of Devilpin. They get a few round in before I realize this game is not balanced for average 4th level PCs and everyone including Setrona with her +4 bonus are racking up Hell-debt. I'd amend the rules in the future to be 10-15-20 instead of 15-20-25, which would probably make a bit more sense for a game typically played by drunk people.

Either way, several turns into their Devilpin game, I had a handful of Logrunners approach and stick them up for the apparent money they had staked on this game. The PCs ultimately manhandle the Logrunners, then learn about the drug-dealing gang and a bit about the Old Kintargo gangland in general.

We end with the SRs leaving the T&N. In their absence, Tayacet Tiora will visit the T&N and forcefully ask to investigate the scuffle.

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Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak, somewhere in this town! The Silver Ravens successfully spring the Torrent Armigers from the Holding House. Morgar Manthai was instrumental in getting the Ravens set up with Dottari uniforms and a paddy-wagon. It was a tense bit of roleplay speaking with Sabo (who leered at the rogue and asked him to return when his shift was over so they could become more... acquainted). They get 3 of the armigers to the cart before returning to "negotiate" with the kyton torturer. Their main diplomacy check wasn't quite enough to convince the strange creature, and she attacks. It's a tough battle, but the SRs take her down and free Hortense from the torture room. They shut the door behind them and leave the Holding House. It will be at least until tomorrow before the guard discovers Ghenemahl has been defeated and raise an alarm.

After pulling away from the Holding House, the SRs cross the city to one of the first locations they visited in this AP: the Fair Fortune Livery. Here they are lying low, getting the armigers some much needed healing and R&R.

Have any other GMs brought Sabo the Spider back as an antagonist? I'd hate to have yet another statblock I cant use against my SRs in combat! I want to find some way for the Holding House incident to follow them around. Per the book, the SRs got out without any notoriety increase, so if Sabo is to stalk them, it would probably be on her own. MY headcanon is she was a "classmate" of Barzillai in inquisitor school. She's a consummate fangirl, and HATES Nox for being selected as Thrune's personal bodyguard (she doesn't even have divine magic!).

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So, I wanted to make sure some of Marquel's writings were more visibly significant, and while I know as written he's sequestered starting at the beginning of the AP, I stretched that a bit to have a couple of works published early on in book 1 before things get too serious, especially because I didn't want him to be doing nothing about Barzillai's eight proclamation. So far my players are really intrigued to eventually try to find out who's behind them. Thought I'd share these in case anyone else found them enjoyable or useful.

"The legions of Hell march in synchronized beat
Said a boy dying of mad-dog disease
A body left spoiling like grain in the street

With every new dictum of shame and deceit
Blaming pigeons and captains and meanwhile
The legions of Hell march in synchronized beat

Our voices unheard, our protests replete
With violence and mockery, leaving only
A body left spoiling like grain in the street

Who would seek safety in infernal heat
While the ashes yet smolder underfoot
The legions of Hell march in synchronized beat

Take back our city, Hell's legions defeat
Else you'll be nothing more soon than
A body left spoiling like grain in the street

Without hope, without joy, without love to meet
What good is safety, and order, and pride
The legions of Hell march in synchronized beat
over a body left spoiling like grain in the street"

"The Victocoras' sad demise
tells the truth of these dark times
Of Paracount Barzillai's crimes
Treachery, murder, theft, and lies

Now is Kintargo's time to rise
Why conceal records, why else blame
the halls of knowledge, if not shame
What there lies hidden, Tiarise dear,
if not a source of Thrune's great fear
Those who would rise up, seek the same!"

Meant them to slightly call attention to the doghousing rumors and foreshadowing Izoni's role, since my players had been ignoring those. The first is a villanelle, the second is an espinela, both historic poetry forms with regional origins that are at least not totally outlandish for counterparts to Cheliax. Because I figure as a classically educated nobleman, freestyle wouldn't quite suit Marquel.

Kaladin_Stormblessed wrote:

So, I wanted to make sure some of Marquel's writings were more visibly significant, and while I know as written he's sequestered starting at the beginning of the AP, I stretched that a bit to have a couple of works published early on in book 1 before things get too serious, especially because I didn't want him to be doing nothing about Barzillai's eight proclamation. So far my players are really intrigued to eventually try to find out who's behind them. Thought I'd share these in case anyone else found them enjoyable or useful.

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Meant them to slightly call attention to the doghousing rumors and foreshadowing Izoni's role, since my players had been ignoring those. The first is a villanelle, the second is an espinela, both historic poetry forms with regional origins that...

These are amazing! I don't suppose you wrote any more?

My PCs have recently rescued the Poison Pen, who is now safely in a more pleasant form of house arrest on the Scourge of Belial, but still writing propaganda against Thrune, and now more directly supportive of the Silver Ravens.

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