Identifying Psychic spells

Rules Questions

With the new Psychic Emotion/thought components. How can a player/GM justify identifying a psychic spell being cast.

It made sense to be able to identify a spell because you can see the caster use somatic and verbal components but those don’t apply to Psychic spells.

So how can we identify a psychic spell being cast. So we can act accordingly


In the old 3E Psionics every spell had some form of manifestation before it activated. A sound or smell or some visible anima display

look at the pictures in the book.

On the front cover the Iconic Occultist's impliment lights up
on the back the Psychic has these triangle shapes around her hands
The picture for chapter 4 the Spiritualist has these glowing purple eyes while the psychic creates a crown of runes or something around both their heads.

all these spells have some visible manifestation to them. Someone who is trained in magic could probably recognize what those manifestations mean as they are forming

true but rules don't use pictures :/. I'm trying to find clerification from the Rules/Mechanic standpoint.

There is nothing that says Psychic spells can't be identified there for they can be identified.

Justification for how is just fluff.

If you need something specific it's covered under General vs. Specific

General Rule is that Spells can be identified
Psychic Spells are Spells therefore they can be identified

because there are no specific rules to the contrary

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