Not sure Ectoplasmatists works as intended.

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I love this archetype, but realised in reading people's complaints about Mindblade that this has the same issue.

The class is psychic casting but the archetype gives the equivalent of spell combat.
Am I reading something wrong, or does the -10 penalty on concentration checks to spells with thought components make it pretty much impossible to use this spell combat?
Doesn't that cripple the whole schtick of the archetype?

Grand Lodge

This could quickly require Lunge as a must have feat, and that will only help in some situations.

With mindblade losing improved spell combat and greater spell combat and Ectoplasmatists never being offered such skills, overcoming that -10 seems highly unlikely.

Is there a feat or spell we're missing that would make this better that isn't meta magic, since metamagic doesn't help spell combat or spiritual combat.

The archetype quickly gets reach so lunge isn't needed.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

You could, alternatively, get your AC to the point where the foe is likely to miss on their AoO and just take that chance instead of trying to cast defensively. Or you could have enough miss chance or mirror image style things to make a hit unlikely.

Sometimes you are more likely to flub the spell by casting defensively than you are to be damaged by the AoO.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Spiritual Combat is a Full Round Action, and it says casting as a Free Action. There is also the ability to take a penalty to the attack (up to your WIS) to add to Concentration.

I would think it was meant to be a mirror to Spell Combat, so I think the concentration check should have been as if the character took the time to cast it.

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I suspect it is the result of the Ectoplasmatic and Mindblade archetypes being written by writer not fully aware of the -10 penalty for thought components. Possibly due to that rule not being finalised in time.

Mighty Squash wrote:
I suspect it is the result of the Ectoplasmatic and Mindblade archetypes being written by writer not fully aware of the -10 penalty for thought components. Possibly due to that rule not being finalised in time.

I agree. In my games the penalty will be waived, specifically for use of this type of ability and not otherwise.

The Ectoplasmatist archetype also keeps Bonded Senses, though gives away all that they bond to, making it a meaningless and irrational ability.
It may be the artefact of the archetype having had another ability that was removed during editing, or just an oversight.

Scarab Sages

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The -10 penalty can be worked around. Both the mindblade and the extoplasmatist gain reach easily. You can then add Lunge, Eldritch Heritage (aberrant) or both to add more reach. Then add longarm and enlarge if you really want to go crazy. If you are not threatened you don't need to cast defensively. You can also take Intuitive Spell to cast without the thought component, or take a move action to center yourself before casting.

The -10 to concentration checks is a concern, but simple adjustment of tactics can overcome it.

Having played a Magus before, I rarely actually used Defensive Casting. I used 5' steps to move in and out of combat between spellcasts. That's what I'm planning to do with my PFS Mindblade too.

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Personally, I think the Mindblade's issue is easily solved with the warding weapon spell...I mean, how often are you going to run into enemies with the Disruptive feat? Ectoplamatist doesn't get that, sadly, but they do get reach easily, so it still might work out.

...though now I'm wondering if unseen servants wearing/carrying bedsheets can provoke attacks of opportunity...

Sovereign Court

I have a bigger issue with Ectoplasmatist, as it seems to imply that multi-touch spells can't be effectively used with its version Spellstrike.

OA wrote:

Instead of making the free
melee touch attack she would normally use to deliver
the spell, the ectoplasmatist can choose to make a free
ectoplasmic lash attack at her highest base attack bonus. A
successful lash attack deals damage normally and imparts
the spell’s effects. The ectoplasmatist can’t hold the charge
if her lash attack misses.

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