Building mermaid tank- charisma to saves besides paladin?


Hopefully a quick question- I am building a mermaid bloodrager and recall seeing somewhere that there was a relatively new feat that allowed you to add your charisma to all saves, like a paladin does with divine grace. Any ideas?

Silver Crusade Contributor

Divine Protection (the feat in question) has been errata-ed to no longer have that effect.

Only certain divine spellcasters could take it, though, as it required the domain, mystery, or blessing class feature and 5 ranks in Knowledge (religion).

The new version lets you add your Charisma bonus to a save once per day (before the roll). It still requires 5 ranks in Knowledge (religion), but that's all. If that's worth it for you, then by all means. ^_^

idk about all saves but if your dm lets you take 3.5 stuff you can get forced personality to get your charisma to will saves instead of wisdom there's also the lore master oracle buff that gives charisma to ac instead of dex

Grand Lodge

Kundalini, you can totally multiclass bloodrager and paladin. A celestial bloodrager would be awesome with a 2 level paladin dip.

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Thanks for the reference, Kalindlara!

Doomman47, we try to stick to just Pathfinder stuff. I remember looking at Force of Personality for my "charisma-tank" sorcerer 4/ marshal 4/ rogue 1/ ranger 1/ unseen seer 4/ spellsword 1/ ruathar 2 (don't you miss those days?)but it only applied to a few types of will saves, enchantments I believe.

Hmmm, I did consider the paladin mix but the character that I am going for call herself "Coral, Daughter of Gozrah, Mistress of Tides, Destroyer of Worlds"- taking the pretty, sexy mermaid and turning that concept on it's head with a bloodraging abyssal beast full of claws. I was even considering a dip to master of many styles instead to get dragon style, dragon ferocity, and feral combat training (we are starting at 3rd, so that works).

My Aquaman inspired build, though, would absolutely be a Gillman Paladin 2 / Oracle of Natures or Waves X.

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