Nicos |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |
Basically as the title says. Lately i'm more interested in DM stuff than in player options (like classes or magic items)
By DM stuffs I'm talking about things like wilderness dressing by raging swan (I´m in love with Raging swan products and I plan to (eventually) buy all their compilatory books) or the excellent 101 Hazards and Disasters by rite publishing and I would like to know more products like those. I could also be interested in campaign settings books (if they are not too expensive, like the midgard books unfortunately are) and short adventures.
PS: It is important that the can be purchased in rpg now or the like

gamer-printer |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Most everything from Rite Publishing falls into what you're looking for, especially the #30 series, #101 series, and In the Company series, are all GM products - applying to monsters, templates, races, hazards, haunts, magic items, spells, the list goes on. For my Kaidan setting which is published as an imprint under Rite Publishing there are some In the Company products that are there and not in the named categories applying to Japanese folklore versions of the same. Plus there are 4 one-shot modules (short adventures) in the Kaidan section too.

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Basically as the title says. Lately i'm more interested in DM stuff than in player options (like classes or magic items)
By DM stuffs I'm talking about things like wilderness dressing by raging swan (I´m in love with Raging swan products and I plan to (eventually) buy all their compilatory books) or the excellent 101 Hazards and Disasters by rite publishing and I would like to know more products like those. I could also be interested in campaign settings books (if they are not too expensive, like the midgard books unfortunately are) and short adventures.
PS: It is important that the can be purchased in rpg now or the like
Thanks for the jolly kind words, Nocis! You made my morning!

Purple Duck Games |

Our campaign setting books are called "Heroes of..." we have four out for our Porphyra setting Heroes of.
They are about 50% GM, 50% player resources.
Personally for GM's I recommend Monsters of Porphyra which is a 196 page full-colour monster book. Each monster has a paragraph for integrating them into our setting much like the old Monsters of Faerun did.

Tom Knauss |
Dunes of Desolation and Fields of Blood, both from Frog God Games cover environment information for GM's including hazards, weather, how to incorporate deserts and grasslands, respectively, into your campaign as well as additional monsters and three adventures that while set in the Lost Lands Campaign Setting, can also be used in any location.

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I was going to suggest Raging Swan... but you're already there.
One of their inexpensive projects that I find quite useful is the "So What's the Human Called Anyway?" line. I use this both as GM and Player to guide my name creation. I don't always take things straight from there, but it gets me started.

Nicos |
Most everything from Rite Publishing falls into what you're looking for, especially the #30 series, #101 series, and In the Company series, are all GM products - applying to monsters, templates, races, hazards, haunts, magic items, spells, the list goes on. For my Kaidan setting which is published as an imprint under Rite Publishing there are some In the Company products that are there and not in the named categories applying to Japanese folklore versions of the same. Plus there are 4 one-shot modules (short adventures) in the Kaidan section too.
You remind me I have to buy coliseum morpheun and faces of the tarnished souk someday.

Nicos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Our campaign setting books are called "Heroes of..." we have four out for our Porphyra setting Heroes of.
They are about 50% GM, 50% player resources.
Personally for GM's I recommend Monsters of Porphyra which is a 196 page full-colour monster book. Each monster has a paragraph for integrating them into our setting much like the old Monsters of Faerun did.
Hey, you are the ones that made "though the cotillion of hours", great adventure.

Deranged_Maniac_Beth |
For enhancing your monsters and NPCs, I recommend any of 101 not so simple templates and 101 monster feats. If you don't mind using 3.5 rules, Silverthorne Games' Book of Templates is great (in spite of the similar name, it has no overlap with Rite Publishing's PF Book of Monster Templates).
Outside of just monster enhancements, I recommend 101 Legendary Curses, 101 Malevolent Magic Items, 101 NPC Grudges, 101 NPC Boons, and my favorite collection of NPCs: 30 intelligent magic items.
Note, if you find yourself considering many of the '101' supplements, you might just want to get the 101 series bundle.
If you want NPCs who are a bit simpler and/or more generic than Faces of the Tarnished Souk, consider The NPC Collection ( Cartography Unlimited).
On the NPC collection front, I also recommend DSP's Psionics Embodied.
If you are willing to consider supplements not specifically written for Pathfinder, Word Mill's Mythic Roleplaying and Mythic Variations have many versatile tools useful to GMs of any system, genre, or world.
Also in the category of world-neutral, system-neutral GM aids, Word Mill's Location Crafter and Creature Crafter are great for designing setting locations and fictional creatures, respectively. Three Line NPCs and 1000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game are also decent as far as statblock-less NPCs go.
Finally, you might be looking for complete campaign settings. You already seem to know about Colliseum Morpheum. Rite Publishing's In the Company of Dragons contains the beginning of a campaign setting which is coming out next year (as a result of a successful kickstarter). Most Rite Publishing products which are not tied to a specific setting contain information about the Questhaven campaign setting spread throughout. The gods of Questhaven are being revealed slowly, in The Secrets of the Divine and in the free Pathways E-zine.
Purple Duck Games' Porphyra is entirely open gaming content, and much of the setting can be found for free on the Lands of Porphyra wiki.
There are two days left in the Legendary Planet Kickstarter, an adventure path and interplanetary campaign setting from Legendary Games.
LPJ has free versions of both NeoExodus and Obsidian Apocalypse. I like the free versions of both campaign settings, although I have not purchased the full versions of either.

Dale McCoy Jr President, Jon Brazer Enterprises |

Most of Jon Brazer Enterprises' stuff is GM oriented. The Book of Beasts is some of the best monster books available, with Monsters of the Shadow Plane being the highest rated.
Also we recently started the Deadly Delves series of adventures. Doom ofthe Sky Sword is a great 1st level adventure to start off with. Rescue from Tyrkaven was a real hit at PaizoCon. Reign of Ruin is the highest level adventure we have published so far, involving a lizardfolk tribe, a black dragon and a forgotten temple deep in a swamp.
I hope these peak your interest.

Thanael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

That depends. What do you want/need?
Raging Swan comes to mind first though for GM stuff. Did you know about their Patreon?
Rite also does Adventure Quarterly the spiritual successor to Dungeon magazine.(several excellent short to medium long adventures per issue).
Four Dollar Dungeons does excellent adventures for $4. Run Amok Games does great adventures too.
Check out this thread on 3pp campaign settings for what is out there ...

gamer-printer |

DOes somebody knows a good supplement on how to make encounters more interesting perhaps with a couple of examples?,
On how to make any encounter more interesting? I don't know of such a product, but Rite Publishing offers:
Rite Publishing Mystical Site Properties, which change the way magic operates within a single locale to make things more interesting (though using it should be rarely done).
Then more specific encounters like haunts, Rite offers an entire series of haunt guides, including #30 Haunts for Kaidan, for example, that offers extensive back stories for every haunt, so they become something other than nuisance, instead have more meaning.
Then guides like 101 Hazards and Disasters offer environmental changes that bolster otherwise normal encounters, 101 Not So Random Encounters as 3 different products with separate guides covering urban, forest, and winter encounters, while 101 Variant Monsters change typical monsters into the unexpected.
So just Rite Publishing alone offers many ways to tweak your encounters into something truly special, but there's no single guide that covers any encounter, per se.
I see I was partially ninja'd by EZG.

Libertad |
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Rule Zero: Underlings is a great and quick way to build mook and minion NPCs to face your heroes without needing to spend laborious time building stat blocks and keeping track of myriad modifiers.
I also recently bought the Genius Guide to Simple Class Templates for Monsters, which is also a good time-saving method of applying class features to monsters as templates instead of adding levels to them (and thus recalculation of all the monster's prime attributes).

Voadam |

I am a big fan of Tabletop Adventures' Bits of the Wilderness series of PDFs. Tons of great read aloud descriptions for themed terrain types to add flavor to traveling or encounter scenes. I've used them in my pbp games to great effect.

terraleon |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

You can get the Midgard setting and a few additional supplements in the current Bundle of Holding. The setting, 8 adventures, a gazetteer of the Margreve Forest, and the players' guide to the Crossroads, all for $9. That's a great deal if you find the Midgard pdfs too expensive usually.
While you pay at Bundle of Holding, you fulfill through drivethruRPG.

Thanael |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

You can get the Midgard setting and a few additional supplements in the current Bundle of Holding. The setting, 8 adventures, a gazetteer of the Margreve Forest, and the players' guide to the Crossroads, all for $9. That's a great deal if you find the Midgard pdfs too expensive usually.
While you pay at Bundle of Holding, you fulfill through drivethruRPG.
That's a great deal!

Thanael |

Tome of Adventure Design, everything from Engine Publishing, and Roleplaying Tips.
I'm still missing ToAD. It's on the shortlist though.
Will check out engine publishing.
Roleplaying Tips has a free newsletter that's quite handy.

MikeMyler |

I submit that the Veranthea Codex is an amazing GM resource. In its 384 pages you'll find a flurry of material that runs the gamut on everything from classes and races to feats, magic items, vehicles, and what I use as my "advanced" NPC Codex (10 statblocks each for alchemists/samurai/gunslingers/etc.), all of which are heavily hyperlinked to the PRD for easily accessing rules (those encounter tables at the end are bliss).
And there's free stuff (four PDFs, a 32 page sample preview you can get for the main book, and then sample previews for the Into the Veil and Radical Pantheon supplements) so you can get a look at things and decide whether or not it's for you.
I am also fairly confident that we priced it to be competitive with (or more affordable than) other campaign settings since we funded through Kickstarter. :D

Endzeitgeist |

@Nicos: Drop me a line and/or check my EZG Essentials/Top Ten/candidates for the Top Ten/Best of-tags on my homepage. :)