Gilgamesh Build advice


Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Hi all, wanted to advice/ideas/suggestions as to how to build a Gilgamesh type of character (the final fantasy type, not fate zero).

What I am allowed (dm is making one hell of a power trip for players)

Advanced Race Guide Race Building
Level 6

So far I was thinking something along the lines of extra limbs, outsider type with a combo of Fighter (Two Handed Fighter Archetype) / Samurai (Katana Duelist Archetype) since Gilgamesh is basically a warrior that issues challenges. But I'm not sure about the Katana Duelist (was nice for the parry/Riposte Build) and need some advice for the rest.

Any help is appreciated.

My personal advice would be to focus on his martial skills and his ability to just wreck something.
Use the same weapon in each hand (suggest something like a scimitar or wakizashi) and try to get slashing grace as early as possible. Maybe go Fighter with the weapon master archetype, and maybe slayer or cavalier as the other class.
Then just focus on boosting Dex as high as possible, and keep yourself mobile. Move up and just wreck a target, maybe taking power attack just to get improved sunder to destroy their weapons.
Just my 2 coppers.

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