Adding Dex to Damage for Ninja

Homebrew and House Rules

I am a new GM for a group of new players, besides 1 person. One of the players is interested in playing a Ninja and since it was based off of rogue, I was wondering how people felt about granting them Dex to to Damage in the same fashion as the unchained rogue. Does this make the ninja to powerful? Should it be done through Ninja tricks? Or does it not need to happen at all?

It your game. If was mine I would say yes. Do you use unchained rouge or base rouge?

It wouldn't make the ninja too powerful. Go for it.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

There's already a thread on making an unchained ninja. LINK

Tom S 820 wrote:
It your game. If was mine I would say yes. Do you use unchained rouge or base rouge?

For better or for worse, I have everyone use unchained.

Cyrad wrote:
There's already a thread on making an unchained ninja. LINK

I did see that early, but I didn't process it correctly. With a second look, this is what I was interested in. Thanks.

Dark Archive

Glad to be mentioned

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

JonathonWilder wrote:
Glad to be mentioned

Well, we kind of all worked together towards that, Jon!

Dark Archive

True enough, I was just saying that you linked to the post where I put everything together.

I don't see why not, take away Ninja's poison use if you think you need to balance things and if the Ninja keep poisoning himself like an idiot then start dropping blackfinger paste to balance it back out: er-substances#TOC-Paste-Blackfingers

If you're starting from level 1 try to convince them to use a crossbow as that avoids any strength penalties.

I let every character have power-attack/piranha-strike as a free feat from level 1, that can definitely help dex-focused characters as they often have a very high hit probability but suffer from a strength penalty that even sucks the effectiveness out of crits.

Power Attack can ease the way as it's only a -1 to hit for a +2 damage, easily negating the penalty from having strength as low as 6.

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