Babylon, Oh Babylon!

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Which civilization in the Pathfinder setting would you say is closest to the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians?

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Oooh tough one.

I guess maybe the Sodden Lands cultures that are pretty much destroyed?

Other than that Rahadoum sorta.

Not sure you could map a clear analogue.

Funny how we all have different takes on things. I view Andorran as being something like colonial America (think this one is pretty popular).

I think Cheliax is something like the Spain of the conquistadors.

Nirmathas and Lastwall have some similarities to England and Scotland to my eye.

Always kind of thought as Taldor as French, but you could go Italian with it easily.

Guess it is an eye of the beholder thing.

sunbeam wrote:

Oooh tough one.

I guess maybe the Sodden Lands cultures that are pretty much destroyed?

Other than that Rahadoum sorta.

Not sure you could map a clear analogue.

Ancient Rahadoum, the Jistka Imperium, and, Rahadoum's stargazing expatriates, the Lirgen have been on my short list for a while.

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Jistka would suit the Assyrians at least as a rough analogue since there will possibly be other influences.

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Rahadoum, as stupid as their no-gods policies are, is probably the best bet.

Further research shows that Kelesh might be a good candidate too.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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Thanks Benchak! That's perfect.

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