Companion / Familiar Archtypes


I've got a question about the animal companion and familiar archytpes in Animal Archive and Familiar Folio. I have both and have read the passages on the archtypes in both of them, but it never explains how you can apply them to the animals in question. Is it just picked up like a class archtype, only applied to the animal, or do you need a class archtype or feat or something that allows you to apply it to the animal, like the School Familiar feats in FF? Thinking about making an Eldritch Guardian with a mauler familiar and a Spirit Binder with a protector familiar and wanted to know how to do it legally.

They are like PC archetypes - no feat needed to take one - they replace the default familiar abilities

Askanipsion wrote:

They are like PC archetypes - no feat needed to take one - they replace the default familiar abilities

Thanks. Was hoping that was the answer but wanted to be sure.

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