Mazym |

I don't know most of the million classes and archetypes out there, so I am coming to the experts. Class needs to work for humans.
What I'd want for this purpose:
Take a fighter
Add lots of skill points per level
Remove or reduce whatever class features are needed to balance out the new skill points (bravery, maybe some of the weapons training?)
I'd also want to make some more skills class skills - a lot of them are rangery stuff.
But why not a <hunter, ranger, whatever?>
I don't want to start a flame war, but... I just don't want this PC have a pet built into the class or any magic.
Should I just play a different game?

Mazym |

Slayer is basically thought of as one or more of the following:
1) Fighter with more skills
2) Ranger without the nature crap
3) Rogue with more BAB
Should solve your problem nicely.
You are my heroine! I just looked at Slayer in the PRD and it is exactly what I was seeking. Thanks!
(I'm assuming the heroine part, from your icon.)

dragonhunterq |

Vigilante Avenger from the playtest might also work. Slayer is in almost all ways better, but choices are never a bad thing and it can be more appropriate in some campaigns.