Seeking Bloodrager theory craft help


During the end times of DnD 3.5 I had a niche amongst my play group as the guy you can't kill with hit point damage. I haven't been able to emulate either of my favorite characters under the pathfinder banner until recently, but now I fear I might be striving to hard to make it work. If I could get some advice I'd be a happy lad.

I'm looking at a Human Bloodrager using the bloodline familiar, crossblooded, primalist, and spelleater archetypes

Using an adapted trick I learned with psionics. I'll use the protector archetype for my familiar and shield other for a hit point buff and kinda negate 1/2 the damage he takes.

False life and Improved share spell for another hit point boost

With the aberrant bloodline I'll grab a Aberrant tumor familiar with fast healing 5

With the destined bloodline I was gonna grab up the bloodline feats endurance and diehard to qualify for faster healing to boost the spelleaters fast healing

The rest of my bloodline abilities I was gonna trade away in favor of a barbarian build.. i don't remember what the particular build was at this moment

For offence I figure using a 2HW using power attack and blooded arcane strike should be adequate.

Am I too focused on flavor or would this actually be viable during combat?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Interesting concept...not sure if the numbers work out though. Any chance your familiar can be a life oracle? :D

A lowly CR 1/3 orc with a greataxe can do 48 damage on a max crit...did you want outright "Impossible! No one could have survived that!" level or just say twice the staying power of the other front line martial?

And rolling hp? Fixed hp? PFS style hp? All of this affects things. Oh and is the campaign going to be mythic? Cause that really breaks things.

A level 1 20 point buy human can have:
12(starting hit die)+3(16 con)+3(toughness)+6(tribal scars)=24 starting hp. This is pretty hefty...and he can still get one-shotted by the aforementioned orc. Note an average challenge would be 3 of those orcs at level 1.

Semi optimized PCs (look up the summer olympics dpr thread) can throw 100+ damage per round, each, by level 10. Caster can nova/burst damage for about 2x-3x that, though granted you get a save.

Marking this thread for interest. I like the idea.

My group does a weird hp thing we take max first 2 levels. After that it's roll twice take the highest but never less than half.

I don't think we have plans of going mythic because none of us wants to read how.

Depending on which GM we have stats are 20-25 point buy or 5d6 take the three highest and reroll 1s. For the sake of removing variables lets go with 20pt buy

I don't need to go overboard with it Neither GM has ever optimize an encounter despite constantly threatening too, but my curiosity would love it if I could start every round with near max hp regardless of the pounding during the round

And I need to find clarification if a tumor familiar can be a tumor and use bodyguard and if that's a yes can the tumor wear and benefit from benevolent armor?

Not that it matters but max hit points could be 25.
d10, +3con, +3toughness, +6 Tribal scar, and +3 chicken familiar

Looking at the notes I'd been making for this character it looks like I was intending him to be a mage killing, superstitious, come and get me "barbarian", but I wasn't sure how his own spells and abilities interacted with himself.

I think he needs an ioun wyrd familiar too.

The more I read and research the more ridiculous this gets lol

Grand Lodge

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Here is my favorite bloodrager build to glean from. He can be built differently but typically first 6 is mandatory. After that he is pretty free to grab what ever.

Carl JR:

Half-Orc Primalist Spell-eater Bloodrager
Alternate Racial Traits: Sacred Tattoo and Shaman's Apprentice
20 point buy: Str: 16+2 racial=18, Dex: 13+1=14, Con: 15+1=16, Int: 10, Wis: 12, Cha: 13+1=14

Trait 1: Fate's Favored- Paired with Sacred Tattoo you get +2 Luck bonus on all 3 saves...this is better than taking 3 feats. Also I am a firm believer in the Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier.
Trait 2: Dangerously Curious (cause UMD is a Nice skill to Have...scrolls are cheap and VERY useful)
Trait 3: Optimistic Gambler (this is NOT PFS legal because it is a campaign trait from second darkness. but if you play in a home game where they don't care about where the trait comes from and allows 3 traits and 1 drawback This is the trait to pick up.) This trait comes from the second darkness campaign and is THE BEST trait for a Bloodrager or Barbarian that is not rage cycling like the build below. Gives 1-4 extra rage rounds after you choose to end your rage every time. Basically its better than taking Extra rage feat 2+ times.

Build By Level:

1 HD: Feats- Endurance(from Shaman's Apprentice Trait) and Die Hard, fast movement, bloodrage, Disruptive Bloodrage (Su)

2 HD: Blood of Life(Su) Notice the SU in that ability. This fast healing IS magical and not a EX ability like a majority of Fast Healing

3 HD: Feat-Fast Healer, Blood sanctuary
(because of Blood of Life (Su) your fast healing IS magical...makes Fast Healer actually work for you to increase your amount of Fast healing by 1+ Half CON modifier)

4 HD: Eschew materials, Blood casting, Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)

5 HD: Feat-Raging Vitality, Spell Eating (Su)
(another source of Magical healing in spell eating and Raging Vitality makes your CON effectively 2 points higher and you don't end rage while unconscious so you can fast heal while down to stabilize and get back up)

6 HD: Bloodline Feat- Power Attack

7 HD: Feat- Arcane Strike, Fast Healing/ Increase

8 HD: Greater Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)
(Doesn't every melee frontliner want Displacement to add layered defense to your AC...amazing ability to have as a free action)

9 HD: Feat- Sunder (Helps to spell sunder at Level 16. If you chose a reach weapon replace with Combat reflexes and replace spell sunder with Come and Get me Rage Power.) , Bloodline Feat- Iron Will

10 HD: Fast Healing/ Increase

11 HD: Feat-Bloodied Arcane Strike, Greater bloodrage (Need to take bloodied Arcane strike to free up your swift actions for Raging Brutality and Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier.)

12 HD: Bloodline Feat- Disruptive, Primal Choices: Superstitious & Witch Hunter
(you're giving up Caster's Scourge (Ex) for 2 rage powers. You should already be a caster's worst nightmare with Disruptive Bloodrage (Su), Disruptive feat, and "soon to come" spellbreaker feat. Now add in more damage you're doing to casters and increasing your saves seems more important to me)

13 HD: Feat- Raging Brutality, Fast Healing/ Increase

14 HD: Indomitable will

15 HD: Feat- (what ever seems good to you) ,Bloodline Feat- Spellbreaker

16 HD: Fast Healing/ Increase, Trade out True Arcane Bloodrage (Sp) for Eater of Magic and Spell Sunder

17 HD: Tireless Bloodrage (Su), Feat- (what ever seems good to you)

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Here is my favorite bloodrager build to glean from. He can be built differently but typically first 6 is mandatory. After that he is pretty free to grab what ever.

** spoiler omitted **...

Wow I feel like a genius... That's almost one of my early builds I came up with without help... So I scrapped it because I don't come up with good ideas lol

Would it be possible to stack DR in there as well? I had an idea trying to stack fast healing here with something like the DR stacking from a barb archetype.

Grand Lodge

Would it be possible to stack DR in there as well? I had an idea trying to stack fast healing here with something like the DR stacking from a barb archetype.

You're trying too hard to pick up abilities that spells can accomplish.

UMD is a godly skill and does not require any dipps or tricks. Scrolls are cheap investments and so are Mnemonic Vestments. Combined you can easily come up with DR to Layer with the Displacement (50% miss chance), Fast Healing and spell eating ability.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Here is my favorite bloodrager build to glean from. He can be built differently but typically first 6 is mandatory. After that he is pretty free to grab what ever.

** spoiler omitted **...

Thank you a ton for introducing me to Carl Jr I'm hoping to have a very long and happy life with him.

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