Johnny_Devo |

Are you talking about the bonus spells granted to a bloodrager via his bloodline?
Those are simply bonus spells. You can cast them as you would any other spell. No spells are automatically cast as part of entering a bloodrage.
Now, if you're talking about bloodrager powers, you'll have to be more specific with an example.

Jeff Clem |
Are you talking about the bonus spells granted to a bloodrager via his bloodline?
Those are simply bonus spells. You can cast them as you would any other spell. No spells are automatically cast as part of entering a bloodrage.
Now, if you're talking about bloodrager powers, you'll have to be more specific with an example.
Sorry,from the Arcane Blood line.
Arcane Bloodrage (Sp)
At 4th level, when entering a bloodrage you can choose one of the following spells and apply its effects to yourself: blur, protection from arrows, resist energy (choose one energy type), or spider climb. These effects last for as long as you continue bloodraging, regardless of the spell's normal duration.

Green Smashomancer |

No, they are not casting at bloodrager level. Bloodragers are with Rangers and Paladins for spell progression which means they cast at their bloodrager level -3.
Nope. Those two classes have specific wording that adds the -3 penalty, but if you read the Bloodrager Spellcasting ability, it has no such wording, even after a round of errata.
Full caster level is a neat little bonus they get for pleasing the metal gods.