Swashbuckler V. Duelist

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

While there's always a big wave of "OMG, why would anyone ever play the OLD class now that we have this NEW one" whenever a new book comes out, most classes can hold their own once the shiny red ball syndrome wears off.

That doesn't seem to be the case with the duelist and the swashbuckler. While you CAN still play the duelist, and it will still provide its strengths as a prestige class, it leaves a lot to be desired.

What's In A Name? The Swashbuckler Versus the Duelist

The answer is the Daring Champion. Or the Magus. Both of 'em buckle swashes better than either of those. :D

I'm not really seeing a question here. I've played a swashbuckler and a duelist. The swashbuckler does it better.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

you're that guy that did the power tier thread. :P I will never forget.

The Swashbuckler and Duelist are both terrible and ineffective, but the Swash slightly less so. Kestral's right, if you really want to play a Swashbuckler you want the Daring Champion Cavalier.

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It even hits the flavor better!

I mean. What is "My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" but a Challenge?

Most hybrids and later classes are better than the PrC's that initially came out because they reworked the concepts into 20-level classes. So I am not surprised that the Swashbuckler is better than the Duelist. I am surprised that the Cavalier has a better swashbuckler than the Swashbuckler!

Daring Champion archetype is the perfect swashbuckler. He has the fighting style of a swashbuckler, with challenge and tactician. Challenge is perfect for a swashbuckler style character. And while tactician isn't for all swashbucklers, it certainly is perfect for a three muskateers feel.

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I think swashbuckler is basically meant to supplant duellist, in the same way that magus overrides a need for eldritch knight. I don't consider this a problem, because they're basically making a way to play the character concept from level 1, done better. The old prestige class method was a patch, and there's a better way now.

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