Adowyn & Leryn timing question

Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion


Just wanted to be sure we're playing this correctly and not unnecessarily nerfing ourselves:

Let's say for some reason or another, Leryn is in Adowyn's player's HAND and not displayed (for whatever reason, usually because players recharged to keep him and wanted to use his scouting for AFTER his free exploration of the turn). Some encounter happens on someone else's turn, like an Arboreal Blight or the family friendly Demonic Hordes. If Adowyn chooses not to avoid the summoned bane, player CANNOT display Leryn during the encounter to then shuffle him back for 1d8 + A#, right? Because the display part does not affect the current encounter? Did we get this right?

Sovereign Court

As long as you use his power, yes you could display him during the encounter. You cannot, however, display just to avoid losing him as damage and not use his power.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Andrew L Klein wrote:
As long as you use his power, yes you could display him during the encounter. You cannot, however, display just to avoid losing him as damage and not use his power.

I don't think I agree with you, Andrew. Leryn's power is scouting; I don't see how that is ever relevant to an encounter.

Agree with Bard. If it's in your hand, you can't display it.

And if you could, you can only play one card of sorts per check. So you can't Display it and Recharge it in the same check, anyway.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

I agree with First World Bard as well, the display to scout power is not at all related to an encounter, as such you cannot display him during an encounter to then use his power to add to your combat checks.

I play Andowyn myself and Leryn is always either displayed or in my deck, if he is in my hand it's because I'm going to be displaying him as the very next thing I do. Keep in mind that if your goal is to scout after your first explore, that keeping Leryn in your hand is the exact same as keeping some other random card in your hand that you don't mind recharging, and since your hand size is the same no matter what the random card method is significantly safer. So you'd explore, then recharge a card to get Leryn back, then play him again to scout.

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Before this forums exploded with the "Can Seelah Cure Herself To Discard The Top Card Of Her Deck," I would've said "no way no how buddy." And that's how we've been playing it, which leads to a lot of "gee, I really wish I displayed Leryn" after I take my free first explore in a turn... I mean, hey! I was going to encounter that card ANWAY. Why waste a recharged card to get Leryn back?

But now the rabbit hole of "Can I play XYZ as long as I pinky swear to use whatever I get on the check?" is well and truly plumbed, I just don't know what to think anymore.

Sovereign Court

Personally, I agree it shouldn't be allowed.

Honestly though, I have absolutely no freaking clue how playing one power as long as it allows you to use another relevant one works anymore. There's no consistency with it I can see and this just seems like a situation where it would be allowed for reasons I'll never understand.

Well, regardless of where THAT goes, this one is simple:

Displaying Leryn is a Cohort play.
Shuffling Leryn is a Cohort play.
You can't play two Cohorts by the still-standing rule of one card per character per check/step.
Therefore you can't display and shuffle Leryn like that.

All the juffo-wup surrounding "relate to a card played in a step" won't change the one-per rule.

Sandslice wrote:

Well, regardless of where THAT goes, this one is simple:

Displaying Leryn is a Cohort play.
Shuffling Leryn is a Cohort play.
You can't play two Cohorts by the still-standing rule of one card per character per check/step.
Therefore you can't display and shuffle Leryn like that.

All the juffo-wup surrounding "relate to a card played in a step" won't change the one-per rule.

That's what I said D:

Only, you made it even more clear.


skizzerz wrote:
I play Andowyn myself and Leryn is always either displayed or in my deck, if he is in my hand it's because I'm going to be displaying him as the very next thing I do. Keep in mind that if your goal is to scout after your first explore, that keeping Leryn in your hand is the exact same as keeping some other random card in your hand that you don't mind recharging, and since your hand size is the same no matter what the random card method is significantly safer. So you'd explore, then recharge a card to get Leryn back, then play him again to scout.

As a fellow Adowyn player, I agree; Leryn is basically never in my hand, or at least never when I can possibly take damage. The exception is when I haven't taken my first turn yet and someone comes across a bane that affects everybody, like those mean old trees.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

You can display Leryn to scout on someone else's turn, just not during an encounter. So before the first explore of the game I go and send him out scouting.


skizzerz wrote:
You can display Leryn to scout on someone else's turn, just not during an encounter. So before the first explore of the game I go and send him out scouting.

I may be revealing my ignorance and that our group has been screwing things up this whole time, but do you actually have a location before your first move step?

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Mark Seifter wrote:
skizzerz wrote:
You can display Leryn to scout on someone else's turn, just not during an encounter. So before the first explore of the game I go and send him out scouting.
I may be revealing my ignorance and that our group has been screwing things up this whole time, but do you actually have a location before your first move step?

Yep, you choose your starting locations before drawing your opening hand. It's found on page 7 of the WotR rulebook, the "Place Token Cards" step of "Setting Up".

I actually ran into this question yesterday as well, given the confusion regarding Balazar and his discard spells for monsters, can Andowyn have Leryn in hand and during an encounter display him and immediately use him for the D8 towards the check?

Something in my mind short circuits displaying Leryn during an encounter as "no, not okay." even though I'm down with Balazar getting monsters in his hand during an encounter. Maybe because Leryn's power has a direct non-encounter purpose, and Balazar discarding spells is solely to get the monster in his hand. I know the simulation aspect doesn't carry much weight in the face of game mechanics, but I imagine displaying Leryn as putting him "in the hunt." He's out there in the bushes, waiting to sneak attack. If you didn't display him yet, he can't do nothin' but droop his tail and be all "whoops, sorry boss."

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ilpalazo wrote:

I actually ran into this question yesterday as well, given the confusion regarding Balazar and his discard spells for monsters, can Andowyn have Leryn in hand and during an encounter display him and immediately use him for the D8 towards the check?

Sidestepping the question of "Is displaying Leryn during an encounter valid?", I think that displaying him and then using his other power would be two card plays of the same card type (Cohort) during the same encounter, and you can't do that.

Sovereign Court

Bard is correct, you can't do it because it's playing a Cohort twice.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber

Un-sidestepping that question, displaying Leryn during an encounter wouldn't be valid during an encounter anyway in my opinion -- examining the top card of the location deck has absolutely nothing to do with the check you are attempting to perform. Remember that during an encounter you can only play cards and use powers that actually affect your check, which displaying Leryn does not. It is not "play cards and use powers that allow you to play cards and use powers that affect your check" so even if displaying Leryn was meant to allow you to use him or some other power to affect your check, you can't do that either.

Regardless, First World Bard is correct in the two cards of the same type restriction as well.

First World Bard wrote:
Sidestepping the question of "Is displaying Leryn during an encounter valid?", I think that displaying him and then using his other power would be two card plays of the same card type (Cohort) during the same encounter, and you can't do that.

Oh right. I'd forgotten we'd had this exact conversation like a month ago already. :D

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps Subscriber
Dave Riley wrote:
First World Bard wrote:
Sidestepping the question of "Is displaying Leryn during an encounter valid?", I think that displaying him and then using his other power would be two card plays of the same card type (Cohort) during the same encounter, and you can't do that.
Oh right. I'd forgotten we'd had this exact conversation like a month ago already. :D

So have I, apparently scrolling up to read previous context isn't one of my strengths (I blame the thread that turned into a "ask every question imaginable" dumping ground until Vic locked it :P)

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