Yeah that's how we played it of course, but since this is different from usual behavior (and WotR has a lot of nasty, nasty locations with nasty, nasty "on closing" effects) I just wanted to point it out and be sure that it was intentional (because these Army Henchmen are already quite a pain in and of themselves to be honest) and not an oversight ^_^
Hey, Henchmen often allow you to "immediately attempt to close the location this henchman came from" when you beat them, or beat them under certain condition. Undead Company tells you that you may "immediately CLOSE the location this henchman came from". Is this a typo, or are you really meant to automatically close the location if you want, skipping the "attempt to close" part and resolving the "when permanently closed" part right off the bat?
Hello, This came up yesterday during our Adventure 2 game. A) What's happening to the bottom card of the blessings deck when a character fails to acquire it when attempting to close this location? Put back in the pile? Banished? B) What's happening if I encounter the boss in another location during the very last turn, and Canyon is still open? No way to temporarily close it since there is no "bottom card of the blessings deck" anymore?
Hey, Just wanted to be sure we're playing this correctly and not unnecessarily nerfing ourselves: Let's say for some reason or another, Leryn is in Adowyn's player's HAND and not displayed (for whatever reason, usually because players recharged to keep him and wanted to use his scouting for AFTER his free exploration of the turn). Some encounter happens on someone else's turn, like an Arboreal Blight or the family friendly Demonic Hordes. If Adowyn chooses not to avoid the summoned bane, player CANNOT display Leryn during the encounter to then shuffle him back for 1d8 + A#, right? Because the display part does not affect the current encounter? Did we get this right?
Hello, Vinst the cohort's first power is to return him to the box to "automatically close" the location you're attempting to close. Do I read this correctly in that you apply the "when permanently closed" effect but skip the "when closing" part altogether? Like, can I use Vinst to avoid the damage from Torture Chamber or to avoid banishing a Corrupted card at the Sanctum, etc. ?
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Exactly. Which means that as is, Slip is strictly worse than every other ally that lets you explore in the game, including the basic ones, since they all do something else apart from the exploring. Like letting you discard/recharge for 1d4 or 1d6 at whatever. Or giving you the Swashbuckling trait. Or having a strong but gambling effect like the dragon allies. As is, if you intend to get stronger in your knowledge so that you can succeed at all times, you're actually investing your effort into making this card into a lesser version of the Cabin Boy.
Thing is, if you intend to try to always win with Slip, then he's basically a level 3 ally that says "Discard to explore your location" AND NOTHING ELSE. Would you seriously consider adding an ally to your deck that just let you explore and nothing else, EVER? There is absolutely *NO* situation in which a successful roll on Slip results in a better result than "Discard to explore". Since when you succeed, you look at the card, then explore it right away. He's basically a Jinx Eater that does not add 1 to combat or prevent failure. Or a Deckhand that can't add to your Strength/Dex or give your the Swashbuckling trait. As is, the only way Slip is better than a basic ally is when you FAIL at your check AND the card you revealed was something you did not want to face. Success should reward you. Especially on "high tier" cards (this is a unique ally from the 3rd adventure... not a common basic boon from the box).
Oh yeah, it's just worse in some situations, totally agree. My worse was meant to imply that without an amendment, once you're high level enough, Slip just became a "discard to explore your location after looking at the card for 3 seconds". Which was technically worse than Basic trait allies that explore and do something else :p If I may, my suggestion for the amendment:
It's basically the same thing, with the "If you" and "you may" that makes all the difference ^_^
Thank you Vic :) (because if you can't choose to fail, technically the better you get at your Intelligence/Knowledge skill, the worse the card becomes... And once you hit +6 Knowledge, this level 3 ally is simply a "Discard to look at the card you're about to explore anyway", which would make it worse than basically any Basic ally in S&S ^_^ )
Just to be 100% clear: I *WANT* to fail the check, to put the card at the bottom of the deck, but I technically *CAN'T* fail if I roll the dice since I have +6 in knowledge. I want to know if I can deliberately choose to say "whoopsie. I failed. Can't remember that bit of info at all" even if there is no way for me to lose the check were I to actually roll the dice.
Yeah, I confirm Sandslice's reading of my question. I use Slip. I see a card I *don't* want to encounter. But with a +6 in Knowledge I can't really lose the check. Can I still deliberately lose it in order to put the unwanted card at the bottom of the deck before Slip's "then explore" effect happens?
Hey all, After having a blast with Runelords (and skipping S&S because of a strong dislike for boats and pirates :p ) I am quite eager to start PACG again with WotR. "Me likey" some promo cards, so I wanted to subscribe, to be sure I also get them, while the 20% discount pretty much absorbs the extra "regular" shipping costs to France so it's a pretty good deal. The base set, however, must be sent via USPS, which doubles its cost to France, so this is a big no-no, and I'll get it from Amazon at normal price. I have seen that you can start your subscription with the character add-on deck, so that's what I'll do. But it leads me to the following question: With the subscription, you get "any promo cards associated with that month's release". Since the base set and character add-on release at the same time (on the same month), I won't miss out on any promo cards when I subscribe from the add-on onward, right? Or is there one promo associated with the base set, and another one with the add-on, and I'll only get one of those?
I tend to agree with Crasher. I absolutely see the point made by Vic, but I also believe it's more of a short/midterm view of the game. How many people will think like he thought, "I don't see myself buying a 4th Adventure Path". I kind of see the point, and to be honest, this is absolutely what has happened for me and Skull & Shackles: I don't like pirates, I don't like boats, and I don't like aquatic creatures. But the characters released in S&S were fantastic (the Oracle! The Warpriest!). I would have loved to try them on RotR. And you know what? I did. I simply printed out these characters using paizo's free character PDFs. If they had been in a more "generic" add on, with just characters and a few cards to make them work (kind of like a big mixed box of character decks), I would absolutely have bought that with eyes closed, even at $40 instead of the usual $20 for the adventures and other add ons. I will happily buy Wrath of the Righteous, but what's next? If the next AP chosen is, say, Iron Gods, then I probably won't buy it either: I love robots and steampunk, but not mixed with my fantasy vibe. And if some cool new characters are released in the 4th "Base Set", unless the overall printing strategy changes I know the only chance I'll have to play them will be, once again, to just print the characters from the free PDFs. I think a "base set" with the 6-7 most iconic roles (at least fighter, mage, cleric, rogue, you cannot get more iconic than that) and the most obvious boons & banes (a locked door. A goblin. A longsword. A fireball spell...) could be the go-to product for any new players. Heck, you might even offer a "bundle" of that base set with the first instalment of every new AP. AP would focus on AP-themed boons & banes and adventure cards, and new characters might be released in "neutral" packs, particularly suited to the currently released AP, but useable in any of them. Anyway, food for thought. I completely understand Vic's post detailing the reasoning behind the current release plan, but I honestly believe something akin to crasher's suggestion would be healthier for the game in the long run. When someone wants to try the great Pathfinder role playing game everyone is talking about, you can direct him to the Pathfinder core rulebook. That has not changed since the RPG line exists. Ideally, 5 years down the line, when someone wants to try the great Pathfinder Adventure Card Game everyone is talking about, you will similarly be able to direct him to some kind of core box, leaving him free to buy it along with the AP that seems the best to him, whether he likes goblins, pirates, demons, robots, giants, dark elves, alien aberrations, or whatever.
This is the 4-hero-team that just overcame Karzoug about 20 minutes ago :) Character Name: Merisiel (Character Deck)
***** Character Name: Radillo
***** Character Name: Kyra (Class Deck)
***** Character Name: Valeros
Hey all, I just wanted to share the houserule I've been using at home. In keeping with the "an adventure is 5 scenarios" idea, I've started leaving every deck in the box "intact" for each full adventure. Basically I never shuffle the monster, barrier, weapon, spell, etc. decks between each scenario of the same adventure. I always pick from the "top" when I have to build the location decks or when a card asks me to pick a random card for the box, and any banished card (or leftover cards from a closed location) are "buried" at the bottom of their respective decks. I do shuffle, however, whenever I start a new adventure, as I introduce the cards from the new adventure deck. On the plus side, you get a lot more variety between games.
I've been very happy with this houserule, so I thought I'd share it :)
I bought my entire RotR run from Amazon. I got 2nd Ed base set, and adventure 5, but adventures 2, 3, 4, and 6 were Chinese 1st ed. It's kinda annoying if, like me, you like when a game is uniform, but the 3 other people I play with honestly do not give a damn about it. The only thing that kinda changes is that when we're playing, say, adventure 3, we kinda know whether or not the top card of the location deck *might* be a Henchman/Villain (darker card back) or if it's 100% certain it's not (lighter card back)
Thank you Hawkmoon. I had not found it in the FAQ, but then I saw it was "hidden" in the Skull & Shackles FAQ (I don't have Skull & Shackles so I did not check that F.A.Q.). If any moderator reads this, it might be nice to have a duplicate of that entry in the Rise of the Runelords and/or Class Decks FAQ too.
Hey all, A question just popped up, and I was not really sure if I played it right. I am "playing" a card whenever I reveal, discard, banish, bury, or recharge a card for one of the effects printed on that card, correct? As such, when I am using, say, the Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2 's second ability ("If you are proficient with weapons, you may discard this card to add 1d4+2 with the Poison trait to a combat check at another location"), I *am* playing the crossbow, even if that is not my combat check, right? If that's right, can I then use, say, the Venomous Dagger +2's second ability ("When playing another weapon, you may discard this card to add 1d4+2 with the Poison trait to the combat check") on that same, distant combat check since I have indeed "played another weapon" on that check? So did I play it right, and can I indeed throw my dagger very, very far when I already cleared a path with a bow or crossbow? :p
Paizo isn't forcing anyone. There is a difference between a creator crating something in a vacuum, and creating something in the wonderful world of Intellectual Properties. Paying someone for their work, even automatically, is a way to condone and back what you're selling. Imagine someone designing a completely broken card, making Radillo's original power seem weak in comparison. Imagine hordes of players complaining about the card. Paizo would say "this is not an official card". Hordes of players would reply "but the creator was paid for their work, so it's an official product". It's like when a fantastic artist decides to draw Spider-Man. No matter how fantastic his drawing is, he/she cannot market that art and sell it on a shirt or iPhone cover. Just like Marvel cannot use his design against his will, even if they own the Spider-Man IP. If it's a one-time only deal, and the design is truly fantastic, they might send lawyers to negotiate a mutually beneficial deal. But for something that would be mostly unchecked, and large-scale as the card creator aspires to be, it's not realistic to expect any company to shell out the logistics and costs required to make it work and double check (and send checks ;) ) to every single creator. With that in mind, only two REALISTIC options, really: not wanting to bother, Paizo absolutely forbid the sale of any fan card by anyone else except the fan who designed them. You're basically paying DT & paizo for the right to print out your own designs with an official look, and that's the be all, end all of the service. Or the current system, where by default your cards are invisible, but you can make an informed choice to waive your creative rights to share them with the community and have DT and paizo earn a few microcents per card. And yes, have the (hopefully large number of) fans be "robbed" of the nine dollars and eight cents they would have made if they sold 1000 copies of "their" card. As long as it's an informed choice and not a default setting or something forced on everyone who uses that system, I strongly prefer option B, myself, but what do I know. I am a writer, I literally live from my creative work, but expecting to manage micro-transaction payments on each and every user logging onto the system, for amounts that would probably struggle to reach an even dollar on any but the most successful cards is downright asinine. I do value creative work and creative worth, that's what putting bread in my mouth every month. I don't see this card creator system as unethical or a way to get rich and make money (the costs seems pretty close to printing costs). This seems more like a love letter to the fan, in a friendly spirit, than a deliberate desire to screw content creators. Realistically, the only other financially viable option would be not to allow it, and that would not really be an improvement to the community, IMHO. And as Vic said, I am sure that if a card or designer somehow becomes "visible" enough to warrant attention, Paizo will probably do their best to contact them and discuss something, like they've done for their RPG contests. At least so far they have not given me any obvious or reasonable reason to waive the benefit of the doubt to that regard. Live and let live :)
This is my 4 character team at the end of Hook Mountain: Character Name: Merisiel
Character Name: Radillo
Character Name: Kyra
Character Name: Valeros
The answer is unfortunately easy: I don't like boats and pirates, so the theme of this set was clearly a turndown for me, though I am eager to see Wrath of the Righteous be released. Some of the Skull & Shackles heroes from the character sheets available on this website looked amazing though, and I really hope to see an Oracle, Swashbuckler, Magus and/or Warpriest for the next Class Deck releases. |