Ipslore the Red |

Alkenstar Is the most likely place that medieval firearms originated on Golarion.
If you mean any firearms, technological weapons, including firearms, were on board the spaceship Unity when it crashed a while ago, but I don't think that's what you mean.

lemeres |

Nope, they were a later addition to the setting.
You can probably find more about their lore by looking up information on Alkenstar.
The general gist of the story is Alkenstar is next to the Mana Wastes, a region that was ravaged, even on the scale of physics, due to the war between the nations of Nex and Geb (both of which are nations named for their level 20+ mage overlord-both are high magic nations). This made the Mana Wastes into a magic dead regions- where magic does not work at all. Or some places have 'primal magic', which makes your basic buff just as likely to blow you up.
Basically, you had a region that could not rely on magic. And unfortunately, along with the warped magi-physics, the mana wastes also have a large supply of creatures that were mutated. So, the people of Alkenstar had to master techniques using mundane physics, and thus they produced guns.
In setting, almost all guns are probduced by Alkenstar, used as an export made intentionally scarce to keep up prices (and who can blame them- this is the result of their struggles and ingenuity, and they have to deal with a region were farm lands is scarce because of...you know...WARPED PHYSICS, and they have to import food.) Alkenstar also has a large berth of experience with mechanics, alchemy, and metallurgy due to the same situation, and they use that to their advantage as well.