Missing Dark Forest card

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

I was attempting to set up the second scenario for the WotR base game and found that I am missing the Dark Forest card. I checked all of the cards, and, as I sleeve my cards, all the sleeves for a double card, but it's not there. I'm in the process of emailing Paizo for what to do, but would like to continue the game. Can any one tell me what it does so I can get on with the game?

Certainly! I'm not sure what the policy is on providing card info openly on the forums, so to be safe I'll PM you the information. The location's actually pretty tame as far as Wrath goes so far.

Dark Forest:

2 monsters and 1 of everything else.

At this location: When you explore, examine the top 2 cards. Shuffle 1 into the deck and encounter the other.

When closing: Succeed at a Wisdom or Survival check with a difficulty of 7 plus the scenario's adventure deck number.

When permanently closed: At the end of the turn, recharge your hand. (This power becomes the at this location power when you flip the card over).

Shadow Lodge

Thanks a lot!

Dark Forest is one of my favorite new locations.

Adventure Card Game Designer

As my demo spiel goes, "In a normal 10-card location, this is a nice power. In a 3-card location, it's ridonculous."

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