Wow I thought I responded to this. I am so completely sorry that i forgot. >_< Yeah, I agree with you about possibly splitting it up into multiple posts but... I'm not entirely sure about how to go about deleting this thread, since I'd rather not make all new ones and leave this one sitting with the same information. On that note, I'm not even sure how to edit my post. I can't seem to do that to update any of the information I've changed, which seems counter-intuitive to the whole thread. The only reason I can think of is that that feature might "unlock" after I've made 10 full posts, since I haven't... really spoken up very much on the forums. I really appreciate the feedback so far on Darien and how I ought to go about this. I think you're right in that 2 is the magic number for his discard ability. I've heard folks in my group claim worry that that may be too powerful, but at the same time if it's armor or blessing, you would need to fill your deck with a bloated number of cards that aren't always going to be useful considering the small hand size of 6. Blessings are used to explore and help others, and won't be in your deck forever, and armors will either be more useful in your hand, or you won't want to have too many. Idk. That's what I thought. As for his shield ability, it's nearly word for word a copy of Imrijka's ability, except Darien's is handled slightly differently and in a bit more limiting fashion. I dialed his Diplomacy down to +1, but I feel that having 6 in skills is fine, especially because Seelah in WotR has 6. ...I think. The evade power is worded thus because I think that's how Valeros' power is worded, and I would imagine that with everyone working together, if the person who would be "defended" doesn't want to evade, then Darien wouldn't be burying the card anyway. As for his "not die" power, it's once per Scenario, not Adventure Deck which I think you may have been confusing. That makes it's value a little higher, but some groups or players may not want something that doesn't directly affect deeps. You were definitely right about Righteous Blade though, and I reworked or changed a couple of its powers to make it more interesting. The boring +1d8 vs (enemy types) is still around though, because of flavor reasons. Unfortunately not everything can always be super exciting. :/ I've been working on all of the characters more since my initial post, and I feel a lot of them are more interesting as a result. Rather than spout out all the changes, etc, I'm moreso interested in finding out how to edit this thread or otherwise delete this thread to make separate ones. Actually with the conversation about Darien here it may be easier to just edit this to be the Darien thread, lol.
[Aamcotronix casts Wall of Text!]
First of all, I want to make mention that I know that some of these classes may not exist in actual Pathfinder. I know that, but I tried to base these classes from ye olde 3.5 as Pathfinder ACG-ey as possible, so please bear with me. As a general rule of thumb in this, for skills a * denotes a potential skill feat, to make typing all of this out easier. IE: The first character's Strength is a d10 with four *s, so a max of d10+4. Parenthesis are also used by me to denote power feats so as to... also make life easier in typing. If it's too confusing looking at I can hopefully edit this later. I'll also try to give a brief description of how the character is supposed to work. Darien Onchar, Male Human Paladin Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Armor)
Hand Size: 4 (5)
Role 1: Defender
Role 2: Righteous Blade
Darien specialized in dual wielding, fighting with both his sword and his shield. I tried to replicate that a little bit by allowing him to use his shield to help his attack. The best way I thought to use that would be by copying Imrijka's power. Darien was built like a tank and was made to lead the charge on the front lines, so I copied one of Valeros' powers for his Defender role, and because slayer of evil, I copied one of Kyra's powers for his 'Blade role. Jay, Female Human Fighter Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Weapon)
Hand Size: 4 (5) (6)
Role 1: Juggernaut
Role 2: Tempest
Jay also fought with dual-wielding, but she used the old 3.5 feats Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting to dual wield bastard swords without the massive penalties you'd normally incur. She also used Monkey Grip to use weapons one size category larger. While that really can't be quantified in Pathfinder ACG terms, it basically allows her Juggernaut to use the best weapons it can while still being able to "dual wield". Her tempest role, on the other hand is designed to be fast and highly mobile, while limiting her weapon selection to cards that aren't two-handed. Devin Krueger, Male "Human" Artificer Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Spell or Item)
Hand Size: 5 (6)
Role 1: Prodigy
Role 2: Shaper
Ok, put down the pitchforks and torches. Divine and Arcane, both on Int, yes yes I know. But that's how Artificers do. I'm actually really happy with how Devin came out. He's built similar to Bards in terms of his spellcasting, though because it's all based on Int which is a pretty useful stat, I didn't want to allow him the use of attack spells, which makes sense in terms of Artificers. He's designed to melee, and be versatile in a lot of ways, imbuing his weapon with magic to help in a variety of situations to help in dealing with enemy weaknesses. Terra, his homunculus, is also there to help him while she's available, but there's plenty of incentive for him to use her to get his stuff back. Meridius Korinth, Male Human Sorcerer Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type:
Hand Size: 6 (7)
Role 1: Savant
Role 2: Adept
Meridius was an elemental savant back in 3.5. 3 guesses on which elemental type he was... He also took Argent... something, Savant? I don't know. It specialized in Force magic and it was a quick 5 level prestige class. So, pretty much everything he does revolves around those two elements. Considering the release of WotR, the lightning specialization is pretty damning buuut he DOES have his Force capability to back him up, and even in his Adept gets the powerful ability to tell those demons where they can stick their immunity, though having to trade away the Savant's powerful increases in... power. Hanaral Tia'sammaht, Female Human Duskblade Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Spell)
Hand Size: 5 (6) (7)
Role 1: Eldritch Born
Role 2: Arcane Brawler
This one's gonna look weird to some. An arcane monk, basically. Those of you who know the Duskblade are also going to say "Wait a minute, but Duskblades could use weapons." That's right, but Hanaral did not. She fought with a pair of enchanted gauntlets, so I decided to have some fun and build her up like an arcane monk. I'm not sure I'm 100% satisfied with her Eldritch Born role, but on the other hand it does allow variety in being able to fight with both Attack spells AND her fists. Elessar Kamkaseel, Male Human Cleric (Work in progress) Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Weapon or Spell)
Hand Size: 4 (5) (6)
Role 1: Redeemed
Obviously not done with Elessar here. He was a neutral cleric that channeled negative energy and fought with a scythe. He tended to get in close with Inflict spells and tear enemies to shreds by debilitating them with negative energy. I'm not entirely sure how else to represent that except by using Feiya's power. What I WANTED to do was give him a power similar to the Wand of Enervation from Rise of the Runelords (Reduce difficulty by 2d4). But even if it was only 1d4 (+1) for his base class, that's still very powerful in the first couple of adventure paths. It balances out later on by being about as powerful as Feiya's but at the initial start it could be way powerful so I don't know. Still working on him. Considering having his Godslayer role do things with corrupted cards but I'm not sure. Edith Gainsbrook, Female Human Rogue Skills
Cards List (Favored Card Type: Weapon or Item)
Hand Size: 5 (6)
Role 1: Trickster
Role 2: Master Thrower
Edith is another one I am super proud of. She's basically daggers daggers daggers and more daggers. When she's not throwing daggers she's being a rogue and when she's not being a rogue she's throwing more daggers. I had a hard time initially figuring out how to balance her around a weapon type that is weak by design. However, I figured out that by adding a d4 to the weapon recharge ability, it would basically (thematically) be like throwing multiple daggers at the same time. I realized though that because daggers have the inherent ability to discard them when using another weapon to add to your check, that would also use her power. That started leading to some pretty serious power creep, so I had to cut that off at only using one weapon's discard. Her Trickster's final ability is also an interesting concept to me, thematically representing either crippling the villain or leading the target so it's escape options are limited. You can't win the scenario with this ability, but you can know one place the villain isn't going. Note that this doesn't temporarily close the location, so it still gets a blessing shuffled into it like normal. Also, I do know that there are some melee weapons with the Knife trait, and you ask, what would that do for you if she encountered, say, a Sickle? Well... she'd still get the Ranged trait for that check but... won't do you a whole lot of good on your MELEE check to acquire, so I didn't see a problem really. So, those are my characters I've been building. I would very much appreciate feedback if anyone has any. If I've worded things poorly or used the wrong trait names or anything please point it out to me and let me know. I'm very excited to share these characters with you and to hear what you guys have to say. If I do wind up completing my Adventure Path one day I will most definitely share with the lot of you. Well, that took an exorbitantly long time to type out with all the info being on my phone. D: [It's super effective!]
Oh good. I'd hoped not but wanted to make sure just in case. I looked through all of the locations, scenarios, henchmen, and villains and nothing else seemed to use the Daughters. In fact, I didn't think they were used at ALL until I finally saw the Ghol-Gan Obelisk. That's when I started putting things together. Amusingly enough, all of these discoveries and theories started with a bit of pure OCD when it comes to card storage, lol.
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
ThreeEyedSloth wrote: Based on my memory of the actual Adventure Path, there's only one tower/obelisk that I'm aware of, and many Gholdako. So I think it's just a typo on the scenario card. Yeah, that's true. Normally I would assume it's just a typo on the scenario card as well but... I don't know. It just seems like there is a lot of evidence piling up. As for the Daughters, yeah that's definitely true that you could encounter it multiple times but... technically you could encounter the henchman dozens of times and you would then need that many daughters for each one. Not a terribly strong argument, admittedly, but I would assume Paizo would only include the number that they absolutely -need- in order to cut down on costs and cards for the deck. That number in this case showing to be 6. Curiously, the same number of Ghol-Gan Obelisks the scenario seems to assume are in existence. Also, for the Obelisk itself it seems unlikely that anyone would really run into it multiple times given that all it takes to defeat it is to bury a card with the "Magic" trait. Possible, certainly, but in my opinion a little unlikely. As for the Gholdako... Yeah I don't know. I'm certainly convinced that it is not a unique "named" henchman, per se, though I still believe it's powerful enough to warrant that "unique henchman" feel. Again, that point was mostly speculation based on what I've seen from all of the sets so far. I honestly hope that I'm wrong in this since it seems like a load of hassle to try to fix, but I'm just not sure. Mostly what's convincing me are the numbers involved and how they work themselves out pretty perfectly. If I do turn out to be wrong, I'm curious what the other Daughters of Imerta are there for or if they really are all in case you fail to have a magic item in your hand to defeat the Obelisk five times in a row. Also just figured I'd mention: I'm certainly not trying to be confrontational here so in case I come off as such I apologize. This is the first time I've really come across such a large error and my friend and I are Phoenix Wright-style trying to find out the truth.
I believe actually the scenario card is CORRECT and the cards we received are incorrect. Here's why: A) The scenario reads Gholdako (singular), Ghol-Gan Obelisks (Plural). This could easily be misinterpreted as a typo until you realize that: B) Island of Empty Eyes comes with 6 Daughters of Imerta. Ghol-Gan Obelisk's "Before you act" text reads: "Before you act, shuffle the henchmen Daughter of Imerta into a random open location deck." If there is only one Obelisk why would six Daughter of Imerta cards be added? Wouldn't one suffice as only one Obelisk exists to summon one Daughter? Also let's not forget the fairly speculatory (but not easily discountable) opinion that: C) Gholdako is a fairly powerful henchman with a lot of text. I probably could have worded this better, but in the past with "named" henchmen, usually they were more powerful than average with a lot of text. Certainly Gholdako is more powerful than average because of his "If the check to defeat has the Attack or Ranged trait, the difficulty is increased by 10" effect. Plus if you look at Gholdako he... quite frankly meets the qualifications of what you would consider a "unique" unit. Currently my friend and I are playing the scenario as it looks it's intended, with one Gholdako and six Obelisks to make full use of the six Daughter of Imerta cards. Whether this theory turns out to be correct or not, though, either way it looks as if there is some work that needs to be done by the developers in either clarification, potential errata, or distribution of the extra cards needed in order to make up the scenario proper.
My friend and I completed this already in our run playing it safe without closing locations and before turns 29-30, but still I question a lot of what's being brought up here. My concerns are twofold: 1) Closing the locations during this scenario.
2) When the scenario ends.
Then again that's just my two cents. Usually don't post anything in any of these and just read to get more info but... figured I'd chime in and see what happened. I uh... also may have forgotten what most of the previous posts have mentioned so if any of this was already brought up then hoo boy will I feel dumb, feel free to disregard anything I've said.
Character Name: Jirelle
Character Name: Damiel
Character Name: Oloch
Character Name: Alahazra
Character Name: Lirianne
Character Name: Feiya
First time posting in one of these. Hopefully I did it right. >_< |