Can a beheaded familiar speak?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Okay just like the subject says my group is in a heated debate. Can a beheaded familiar speak? Can he talk to other people not just his master or other undead?

Can a beheaded person speak? I'd say no and the same rule applies to any beheaded creature.

Grand Lodge

That was my point. But they do have a screaming template. Can that one speak? It can yell. its been a huge debate tonight.

Silver Crusade Contributor

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Just to clarify, it appears that you're referring to the specific creature named "beheaded", not a normal creature with its head severed.

I would say that while some of them can produce screams or other disturbing vocalizations, intelligible speech is probably beyond their natural form's abilities.

Scarab Sages

I'll play devil's advocate here; the rules don't actually cover things like decapitation or amputation, so those are largely cosmetic changes with no more mechanical impact than the GM chooses to give them (unless you're using an alternate subsystem like the one Skulls and Shackles). Meanwhile, a familiar's ability to speak with its master or creatures of its type is both magical in nature and clearly defined by the rules. So, if a familiar who has somehow lost its head is still capable of taking actions and serving as a familiar, then it's still capable of speaking to everyone defined by its abilities.


Just saw Kalindlara's post. If it's a specific creature type called "beheaded" I'd start there to see if the rules for a beheaded define its capacity for speech.

No. They have "Speak With Master", so they can speak with their master, but otherwise know no languages, so can't communicate.

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