Slayer Talents and new Rogue Talents

Rules Questions

When the Slayer class came out, there was a list of the various Rogue Talents they could select with their Slayer Talents.

One of the rogue tricks they could take was Terrain Mastery. While this is a very strong one and nice to get ahold of, I'm wondering if Slayers are also able to take the new Rogue Talent Favored Terrain.

Rules as written, it isn't on the list. However, the second is a decently new rogue talent and I'd like to hear thoughts on this.

nope, unless it said that it was added to the list for slayers than it's not.

Chess Pwn wrote:
nope, unless it said that it was added to the list for slayers than it's not.

damn, but alright. thank you :)

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