Can a player "bank" module XP?

GM Discussion

I just ran a group through We Be Goblins! and one of the players wants to know if he can save the credit to apply to a future character (yet to be created). I can't find anything on this, but I wanted to dig a bit deeper before giving a final answer.

If it is possible to bank module credit, how do I report it?

Grand Lodge 4/5

Have them pick out a character number they haven't used yet and assign it to that.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

you cannot bank it, but you can apply it to a character you have not yet built.

It is a relatively trivial distinction, but (for example)if you played WBG, then Silver hex, you could not bank WBG, then apply silver hex to a character, then apply WBG to that character. (Silver Hex can only be applied to completely brand new characters if I remember correctly, thus you could not apply WBG then Silver Hex)

Dataphiles 3/5

Credit for Silverhex does not need to be applied to a completely new character just a level 1 character as you must play a level 1 pregen during the quests, but it does specify that no xp from other chronicles can be earned from other sources in between quests.

So another trivial distinction, but one that does not change the outcome of your original point about not banking credit for WBG.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

I may be misreading this, but...


If you play a 1st-level pregenerated

character, you can apply the credit for her first adventure
to a newly created character of your very own.

You may not apply
a Chronicle sheet earned with a pregenerated character
to a character that was already at the
level of the pregenerated character

It appears that silverhex is an exception. (It just says "first level character") and I think goblins and the other mods that require you to play pregen have similar language.

But to be honest, I have never worried about it with ordinary scenarios, but technically it is not allowed.

Grand Lodge 4/5

FLite wrote:

I may be misreading this, but...


If you play a 1st-level pregenerated

character, you can apply the credit for her first adventure
to a newly created character of your very own.

You may not apply
a Chronicle sheet earned with a pregenerated character
to a character that was already at the
level of the pregenerated character

It appears that silverhex is an exception. (It just says "first level character") and I think goblins and the other mods that require you to play pregen have similar language.

But to be honest, I have never worried about it with ordinary scenarios, but technically it is not allowed.

I think you need to get the latest version, as the "newly created" text is gone.

Looks like they updated the Module section, but missed updating the Scenario section of the pregen rules.

Both of them should be the same as the module text, other than the amount of GP to which it gets reduced.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

nope, got the most recent one, unless one came out yesterday, which is when I redownloaded it because I couldn't find it.

Version 6.0—August 14, 2014
Page six.

I wouldn't be unhappy to see it change, and I wouldn't be surprised if they missed a paragraph, but I would like to see a FAQ or cite before I just agree that they must have missed a paragraph.

Frankly, when I am playing, and I need to use a pregen, (forgot my character sheet, need to fill a party gap, etc) I usually just "rebuild" my existing first level character into the pregen I want to play using the "you can rebuild at any time prior to 2nd level" rule.

Wow, thanks. That's all good to know, as at least one of my players is in a Silverhex game with me, as well. I don't think it's wrapping up soon, though, so they may be out of luck.

It's good to know that they can assign it just to a new number - I didn't know if the VC required a character name.

Thanks again for the quick responses!

Grand Lodge 4/5

For the name, just have them put something like "Placeholder" or "Not Yet Made" so the person reporting knows it's not a mistake when the name field doesn't autofill.


Jeff Merola wrote:
For the name, just have them put something like "Placeholder" or "Not Yet Made" so the person reporting knows it's not a mistake when the name field doesn't autofill.

A name isn't required for reporting; for pregens or when the player has expressed that the character is being re-built I'll leave the name blank.

FLite wrote:
Frankly, when I am playing, and I need to use a pregen, (forgot my character sheet, need to fill a party gap, etc) I usually just "rebuild" my existing first level character into the pregen I want to play using the "you can rebuild at any time prior to 2nd level" rule.

Be careful. I know that there were a few illegal options in previous editions of the pregens, though I can't remember the specifics.

Grand Lodge 4/5

It isn't required, but I know a few people who'd think a mistake had been made if they were given a number that didn't autofill the name field on reporting.


Pretty sure the "Newly created" line is due to the later clause of:

"You may not apply
a Chronicle sheet earned with a pregenerated character
to a character that was already at the
level of the pregenerated character or
higher, as you should have used this
character for the scenario instead."

That logic doesn't apply to Silverhex and WBG since they're pregen-only.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Yeah, I knew about WBG, I missed that it also didn't apply to silver hex :(

Dark Archive 5/5

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps Subscriber

I hope that the Season 7.0 language consolidation makes reading this rule easier.

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