GenCon Sessions

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

I got into all three of the sessions at GenCon, there's still tickets available for anyone who is going that hasn't signed up for those sessions yet. Excite!

Grand Lodge

I got signed up for four sessions. (Actually 5 because it didn't erase a session I deleted when processing.)

No open for me. I have stuff on Thu and Fri afternoons so I couldn't get into prelims those afternoons.

We just did Adventures 1,2, and 3. I saw there were some open play and tournament stuff but I wanted to try some varied RPG sessions as well. I was kind of sad we didn't get into any of the Outbreak: Undead stuff.

Grand Lodge

TD on Thur and Helix & Helix (Zombie LARP) on Fri afternoons. Looks like I might also be doing Aerodrome.

btw, Who's going to GenCon from the forums? Be kind of fun to meet up in person. I've met Vic, Tanis and Mike so far. (Plus a lot of people from Paizo whom are ALL very nice and helpful!)

4/5 ****

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I'm working about a million slots for Paizo at GenCon, they are mostly doing ACG stuff though.

There aren't a lot of 6'3" pirates around, feel free to say hi if it looks like I have a minute.

Grand Lodge

I'll probably be standing in line on Thu morning for Paizo anyways. Although we'll have to see what they release this year at GenCon. Last two years have been because of PACG sets. None this year.

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My 4-person group got the ACG Open slot we wanted. Woot!

Shadow Lodge *

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I'll be working the demo tables Thursday morning and most afternoons.

It doesn't look like any of the PACG events are even close to sold out except for the tournament.

I did have some questions though:

If you played multiple sessions of Adventure 1, would you see different scenarios or are they all the same one? Maybe if we had downtime we decided not to use to "decompress" we could use some generics and do another session.

If you play Adveture 2 and 3 scenarios, would our rarely used official characters e underpowered if we haven't used them since the sessions during GenCon last year where we played S&S? Yes.. we haven't had a chance to do any OP except those..

Adventure Card Game Designer

hfm wrote:

If you played multiple sessions of Adventure 1, would you see different scenarios or are they all the same one? Maybe if we had downtime we decided not to use to "decompress" we could use some generics and do another session.

If you play Adventure 2 and 3 scenarios, would our rarely used official characters e underpowered if we haven't used them since the sessions during GenCon last year where we played S&S? Yes.. we haven't had a chance to do any OP except those..

5 scenarios in Adventure 1, 5 in Adventure 2. (See blog). I expect us to sell out by the time the show opens, but if we can seat generics we certainly will.

As for your last question, you'll be fine, and you'll see why tomorrow.

So, if I signed up for the Adventure 2 & 3 events on Thursday and I have not played any guild events except for the Adventure 1 event before that, then I will not have a valid character to play in them?

Should I get a refund on these tickets or might there be Adventure 1 scenarios ran in these time slots if there were enough players wanting to play?

Adventure Card Game Designer

You'll be able to play Adventure 2 events as a Tier 1 (i.e. starting) character, and, once you finish Adventure 2 and advance to Tier 2, you'll be able to play Adventure 3 events.

Or, you can choose to "take one for the team" and use a Tier 3 pre-gen from the Guide to play Adventure 3 scenarios, then apply the credit from those scenarios to your starting character once you get through Adventures 1 and 2. (See the Guide for more details.)

I threw up some Open Play tables during most slots, as well, so you can likely get the games you want in as far as Adventure 1 goes.

TL;DR: It'll work out . . . come and play.

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