Advice for a switch hitter or archer


Hey folks I've been playing around with an Duergar archer ranger build for a few days now and my lay out was looking like
1 - point blank shot
2 - Precise Shot
3 - weapon focus
5 - rapid shot or deadly aim
6 - point blank master
7 - boon companion*
9 - deadly aim or rapid shot
10 - many shot
11+ I'd go down the snap shot chain and mounted archery

*my group goes wild over animal companions so this probably isn't negotiable

but I get rapid shot and many shot a lot later than I wan't or I take them early and can't hit anything ever.

we probably arent going to make level ten, and I'm not sure we'l even make level 6. It's a summer campagn.

then I thought about this switch hitter list

1 - power attack
2 - rapid shot
3 - quickdraw
5 - deadly aim
6 - many shot
7 - boon companion
9 - cleave maybe, im up for whatever
10 - precise shot maybe good to have

it would get more use out of my enlarge person SLA and the only thing I'd be down on in archery is +1 to hit from WF and +1 to hit and damage. I really wouldn't be that far behind a dedicated archer that only gets to level 10 or is there something im missing?

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