avr |

For many characters a simple potion of Cure Light Wounds is worth having. It's cheap, it can save a life, it can be handed off to anyone to use (even an unseen servant or many familiars) and it can be handy for building trust with an NPC.
Potions of Lesser Restoration and Delay Poison are lifesavers too. They may be too expensive as wands until mid-game (if you can't get items made by casters that aren't 9-level guys; often the case) but you'll need them without delay at low levels.

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When the town guards are chasing you, you'll be glad you invested in a potion of Disguise Self!
Potions cannot be of personal range spells, such as disguise self or shield.
Potion of touch of the sea in a potion sponge is a great pickup for anyone without water breathing. doesn't help with breathing under water, but does let yu get out of there quickly.

TGMaxMaxer |
Oil of Daylight (not exactly a potion... but close enough)
Especially in PFS where they cost only 2PP at low levels that's great.
Touch of the Sea can be a lifesaver (provided you can get it out and drink it)
I'll 2nd the low level cure, delay poison, lesser restoration, etc.
Hell, for that matter, antitoxin/antiplague are awesome when you know you're going into some place nasty.
Oil of Bless weapon at low levels is a must if you are in a demon/devil heavy location.