Corbynsonn |

I'm struggling a tad with this so any answers would be great.
When taking a VMC do you count as both classes in the equation? The Parent and the VMC class?
So for example would a Fighter (VMC Bard) count as both a fighter and bard for the purpose of feat and magic item requirements, or am I simply a Fighter who gains specific class features and does not count as a Bard in any way other than those listed?

Secret Wizard |

For your example, as written, you only gain an effective bard level for different features, not bard levels themselves.
So if you found an item that allows you to use Bardic Knowledge as a bard 4 levels higher, then that would increase your effective bard level.
You are not a bard though, so you wouldn't be able to count your levels as a spell casting class levels...
A more clear example: a Bard with a Monk VMC would get more unarmed damage out of a Monk's Robe, because you do have an effective Monk level for unarmed damage... But you don't count as a Monk at all for the purpose of qualifying for style feats.

Corbynsonn |

For your example, as written, you only gain an effective bard level for different features, not bard levels themselves.
So if you found an item that allows you to use Bardic Knowledge as a bard 4 levels higher, then that would increase your effective bard level.
You are not a bard though, so you wouldn't be able to count your levels as a spell casting class levels...
A more clear example: a Bard with a Monk VMC would get more unarmed damage out of a Monk's Robe, because you do have an effective Monk level for unarmed damage... But you don't count as a Monk at all for the purpose of qualifying for style feats.
So for example a Paladin (VMC Cavalier) who takes the Order of the Star would be able to apply her/his Order Ability (1/2 level to Paladin/Cleric on Channel/Lay-On-Hands) to his Paladin levels because he/she is a Paladin while a Cavalier (VMC Paladin) who also takes the Order of the Star would NOT be able to apply his/her Order Ability since he/she is simply a Cavalier who possesses Paladin class features?