How do Rage Power Stances interact with stances from style feats?

Rules Questions

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Can you be in a style stance at the same time as a Rage Power Stance?
Or is a stance a stance and you can only be in one stance at a time regardless of the sources?

Guarded Stance (a rage power) has different rules than a style feat, so I think you could be in Guarded Stance and, say, Tiger Style at the same time.

But they are both called stances and the initial rules for stances say only one stance at a time. While they should both be allowable the rules are unclear on whether or not they are.

That's what comes of reusing the same word. Much like the confusion over identically named archetypes, and shaman class/shaman druids.

Actually the rules say only one stance of a style feat at a time. The limiting factor would be engaged only if the rage power stance counted as a style feats

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