
conan_the_barbarian's page

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I think it's a great idea. If you play your cards right, you could put your characters in some really juicy moral dilemmas.

What is the best team of 5 7th level characters, using only CRB and Bestiary 1 rules, for a fight in a colosseum-style arena?
The arena is a 120-ft radius circle.

Each character gets 2,500 gold pieces to start. You aren't allowed to pool your money and you can't use any Craft feats.

Each person has 2 16s, 2 14s, a 12 and a 10 for ability stats before the racial modifiers.
Any race the Core lists as extra-powerful (gnoll, svirfneblin, drow) is not allowed. The team with the last man conscious wins.

Guarded Stance (a rage power) has different rules than a style feat, so I think you could be in Guarded Stance and, say, Tiger Style at the same time.

If they do end up being vegepygmies, you could have some cleansing ritual-type thing. Granted, you would have to make it up, but I think if you're up to that you should let them play along with becoming vegepygmies. This won't make them think "whatever stupid decisions I make can be reversed" if you play it so there seems to be a real chance of death/something going wrong.

Kthulhu wrote:
Karjak Rustscale wrote:

Technically, it should be.

but it's a kind of a dick thing to do to people, might as well steal their spell component pouch while you're at it.

Ya gotta love how anytime anyone dares to suggest attacking a WIZARD'S weakness, they're called a dick and it's considered bad DMing.

Spam a fighter with will saves? Encouraged.

Come up with situations that call for a spell that the sorcerer doesn't know? Encouraged.

Put the paladin in a situation where he can either do a kamakazi run and die or end up falling? Encouraged.

But dare to screw with the board-appointed "win-button" called the wizard? F#@K NO! YOU'RE A HORRIBLE DM! YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!

Christ, why bother actually playing the game? If someone says "I think I'll make a wizard" at character creation, just declare them the g#!~+&ned winner.

That's kind of like changing a barbarian's alignment to lawful good (taking away rage) and stealing all their gear.

Or making a cleric unable to worship their deity.

Or dropping a rogue's dex to 1.
It basically renders them useless.

Spam a wizard with fort saves? Nothing wrong with that.

Come up with situations that stops the wizards from learning spells? Nothing wrong with that.

Put the wizard in a situation where he can either get destroyed by a swarm or fireball himself and die? Nothing wrong with that.

These are all mean, but I don't think there's anything special about the wizard in particular, apart from being a strong class..

How's this?: "I wish that instantly upon completion of this wish I become a god with power equivalent to, but different from <insert god> in the height of their power, with no consequences I would see as negative from my present opinion."
Cast only when you have no mind-affecting effects on you.

Please "Sadistic Genie" me as much as you like.

I don't think it counts as rage–at least not like a barbarian. It just seems like a buff.

I don't think it counts as rage, at least like a barbarian rage. It just seems like a buff.

I think the animal companions would get an advancement when they reach the advancement level–it just seems too powerful otherwise.

If you were to have a summon swallow an enemy with SR, cast a spell like Icy Prison on the summon, then dismiss it, would the enemy automatically be in the Icy Prison or would you still need to overcome their SR?

It is said under the Critical Hits and Vital Strike sections of the Core that weapon damage does not include weapon abilities, like flaming. However, I'm not sure where strength plays into this.

rorek55 wrote:
I still think the good ole fighter is overlooked here.

That's what I said!

Nohwear wrote:
Would the use of a mutagen count as magic?

Depends. Some, like Rag Doll Mutagen, are listed as supernatural or spell-like abilities, but otherwise I would say no. It does say that Alchemists don't actually cast spells.

Renegadeshepherd wrote:

Toughest is likely invulnerable rager.

Though if you seek something none magical that is as hard to kill I could argue a elf, human, half elf, or aasimar oracle with 10 charisma (no spells) using outer rift mystery and the elven favored class bonus is HARD to kill. At level 20 you would have a +16 armor bonus to AC and a sizeable bonus to constitution (+4 I think). Without any magical items, spells, or enchanted armor that +16 is probably as good as your AC can hope for.
With a shield or some feats you might even be able to make your defenses even better.

I think you would be wasting an oracle.

A fighter would actually be very good. The big thing about fighters is their ridiculous number of feats and weapon/armor use, so they generally have a good AC and do good damage. They don't really use magic abilities, so the only thing you would be missing would be gear and buffs.

Wouldn't the arrow just need to hit their touch for the spell to go off? I mean, it still made contact.

Wouldn't a Deep Bog be a whole square or a group of whole squares? The swarm only occupies one square, so it would have to be either all in or all out.

Low level barbarians can be good brawlers, but they don't get a lot of feats. Fighters would be good for this situation.

Try human barb 1/fighter 1. This might be a waste, but they get three feats and rage.

Barathos wrote:

"Multiplying Damage

Sometimes you multiply damage by some factor, such as on a critical hit. Roll the damage (with all modifiers) multiple times and total the results.

Note: When you multiply damage more than once, each multiplier works off the original, unmultiplied damage. So if you are asked to double the damage twice, the end result is three times the normal damage."

That might be relevant. I think it's 4x the original damage.

I was in a campaign with a cavalier, and this was a constant problem (he had tons of damage multiplying feats). We decided that if you are doing double and triple damage at once, it would be 4x damage (2+3-1). I don't really get the math behind this, but that was his interpretation of the rules.

Given that you can attack on a charge, and attacking is usually a standard action, I would say that you treat an overrun like an attack for the purposes of doing it on a charge.

I would say a buffer. Casters are always good (more versatile than meleers) and you already have fairly good melee.

A summoner would also be nice (spells and melee). If you're going to go this way, also consider magus.