Korkiko |
Hi guys!
Halfling - Street Performer
I am playing a Street Performer/Bard and am seeking some advice on how to play (I am not a very experienced DnD/Pathfinder person, and haven't finished a full campaign).
I suppose, to an extent I am playing the Bard in a unique way. To the party, I will be just a street performer / bard, however, I intend to cause mischief in the party, and elsewhere throughout the campaign. This will only be done to those who have a major height over me, shorter races, or even short people in general I have no qualms with.
So to start, I have taken the following:
Ghost Sound
Haunted Fey Aspect
Cure Light Wounds
I picked up an Entertainers Kit, Scarf, and some basic items.
While playing, I would like to make use of the above, but not really sure /how/ I could use them, or what my limits what be on them (i know this depends on the GM, and I believe he will be more or less a very relaxed GM, as it's his first game and hes still sort of learning as well).
Some skills that I would like to make use of:
Sleight of Hand (starting @ 10)
Bluff (starting @ 8)
I hope I gave you guys enough info on my character, and about how I would like to play.
Would anyone be down to give me some advice on fun ways to use the my chosen abilities, ideal skills/spells I should take assuming the character makes it through a few levels? :P
mplindustries |
Would anyone be down to give me some advice on fun ways to use the my chosen abilities, ideal skills/spells I should take assuming the character makes it through a few levels? :P
The best advice I can give you is not to play a terrible archetype like Street Performer. You're much better off just being a normal Bard and calling yourself a street performer.
As for mischief, later on, Pilfering Hand (2nd level spells) and Mad Monkeys (3rd level) will probably be among your favorites.
Korkiko |
Korkiko wrote:Would anyone be down to give me some advice on fun ways to use the my chosen abilities, ideal skills/spells I should take assuming the character makes it through a few levels? :P
The best advice I can give you is not to play a terrible archetype like Street Performer. You're much better off just being a normal Bard and calling yourself a street performer.
As for mischief, later on, Pilfering Hand (2nd level spells) and Mad Monkeys (3rd level) will probably be among your favorites.
Haha, if I was going for min/maxing, I'd probably care more about the archetype. We're really just going in to have some fun, and give the GM a chance at his first game. All of us are still really new to tabletop in general. We have a rather large group as well.
I will look at those Pilfering Hand & Mad Monkeys! Thanks for some input.
Seannoss |
I'll agree with the lackluster nature of this archetype, it trades away all the good abilities of being a bard. But...
I'd make good friends with the PC that you'll be making invisible so you both have ideas on what to do. Make sure that your Cha is very good as both of your abilities are resisted, look at the Ability Focus feat as well if those performances are going to be a main tactic. Try to and be prepared to 'tank' a lot so you can use harmless performer ability. With that you want to be attacked often so look at ways to increase your AC.
Cavall |
Between ghost sound and grease you have all you need to be a naughty halfling. Grease one side of a door and ghost sound someone crying for help, then make a stealth check at minus 1000 to not get caught giggling your ass off at the people rushing in.
And don't worry about the archtype. If all you want is to have fun you picked a decent way to do it.
Abrisene |
Quick Change (Ex)
At 5th level, a street performer can don a disguise as a standard action by taking a –5 penalty on his check. He can take 10 on Bluff and Disguise checks and use Bluff to create a diversion to hide as a swift action. He can take 20 on a Bluff or Disguise check once per day, plus one time per six levels beyond 5th.
This ability replaces lore master.
This power may prove problematic. A Diversion is normally an Action of unspecified type, and may or not include Movement as part of the Diversion Action.
Judgment (Su)
A heretic gains the following judgment in addition to the normal list of inquisitor judgments.
Escape (Su): Each time the inquisitor using this judgment hits an opponent with a melee or ranged attack, she can use a move action attempt to create a diversion to hide (see the Stealth skill).
If a Diversion does not include any Movement during it's Action, then the Heretic may only use this Judgement to hide in places within 5 feet, which is underwhelming.
If a Diversion does indeed include Movement, then the Street Performer ability is incredible.If you discount the Heretic, and have no Movement included in a Diversion, then this ability is one of the best in the game if you've a good speed as it is (Ex) and cannot be countered by magical detection. If your GM allows use of a Diversion to allow others to hide, then so the better.
Dr. Wumbo |
Korkiko wrote:Would anyone be down to give me some advice on fun ways to use the my chosen abilities, ideal skills/spells I should take assuming the character makes it through a few levels? :P
The best advice I can give you is not to play a terrible archetype like Street Performer. You're much better off just being a normal Bard and calling yourself a street performer.
As for mischief, later on, Pilfering Hand (2nd level spells) and Mad Monkeys (3rd level) will probably be among your favorites.
I am also playing as a Street Performer. At first, I thought I made a big mistake with my character. But I quickly realized how amazing Street Performers can be!
My character picks pockets and performers magic tricks in all the local taverns for his money. I purchased a cloak of Quick Change which is an amazing item for a quick changing Street Performer. You should check it out! :)
Although he shines outside of combat with his manipulative abilities, he holds his own next to his Ranger and Sorcerer companions. My character uses a whip and an Estoc (which is an exotic weapon in the same category as a rapier, so Bards are proficient with it). I got Weapon Finesse as a feat that really helps in battle.
I hope you can enjoy your character as much as I enjoy mine! Good luck! Street Performers rock!