Mr.$mith |
The wrath of the Righteous players guide has some basic rules for redeeming fallen enemies, I suspect it's happening to a lot of groups, I'm working on that angle with my group now:-)
Yeah I've read that bit and it has some good rules for how to do that. I was just looking for how other groups dealt with the situation. I had the wizard i'm running yell out to the bard not to kill her, so as the GM I kind of feel its necessary to explain why things are happening and not just have them read a journal.
I'm just hoping that because she isn't actually Evil that they don't just hang her too.

Naal |

My players knocked her out, stabilized her, and took her to Joram Kyte and Khonnir Baine for safekeeping. The players already had enough hints about the Scrapwall connection so Meyanda's interrogation mostly confirmed what they knew.
I ran Meyanda as a detached but dedicated person who didn't take her loss personally. Once she realized the players were heading for Scrapwall, she made some cryptic statements like "you will see the truth, like I did", implying that Hellion would be waiting, and would gobble the characters whole or turn them. Standard 'you are doomed', but delivered low-key by an almost emotionless woman who considered Hellion her patron, god, and only friend, possibly without even knowing what a friend is.
Meyanda made a couple of half-hearted escape attempts while the PCs were at Scrapwall, but mostly she expected Hellion to whack or convert the characters and was waiting for rescue and punishment. After Hellion was eliminated and Meyanda suddenly ran out of magic, she became much more receptive to Kyte's and Khonnir's own conversion talks. All of this happened off-screen, since we were running out of time and wanted to wrap up Lords of Rust.
Currently Meyanda is sitting in Torch, assisting Khonnir in cataloguing the contents of the wreck, thinking about her options, and serving the player characters as Exposition Girl for some things about technology and androids that I can't fit elsewhere. She listens to Kyte's talks about the wonders of Brigh, but is unlikely to convert after her first failed fling with religion. She is on parole and harmless, but my players are unlikely to bring her along. Looks like this path is over for her.
I have no idea about the kill/capture ratio of Adventure Path bosses, but I get the feeling that most groups capture Meyanda instead of killing her.
Reactor: Hellion wills it, so it must be done. Nothing personal.

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In my Iron Gods I gave Hellion some more insidious abilities, such as the power to infect his "faithful" with a nanite injection that allowed him to use a form of possession on them (ala Harbinger from Mass Effect 2.) During the fight with Meyanda, Hellion possessed her (causing her nanite circuitry and eyes to glow a violent orange color). Hellion taunted the PCs and when they came close to subduing Meyanda to interrogate her, he exerted some of his mythic power to force her to undergo the reset process on an accelerated timetable, burning out her mind and leaving her with a new blank-slate personality and no class levels.
The PCs took pity on her and our android PC (a warpriest of Brigh) adopted her like a sister. They took her on their trip to Torch (by way of Hajoth Hakados) and he brought Meyanda to a library while there to discuss her future and learn about the world. She came out of that with a new appreciation for life and a dedication to protect others and took her first level of cavalier. Now she's with them in Scrapwall and feeling a weird sense of deja-vu while the locals think she's still Meyanda (her appearance didn't change during her reset, only her consciousness).
It's been a hell of a lot of fun having her around!

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I made it clear in the fight with Meyanda that she had some doubts about Hellion after all, but only for a moment before the fight began. Thankfully, that was all my PCs needed.
They took her alive and fixed the reactor, and when she came to she was given the chance to confront Hellion with her questions when the party would go to Starfall. She ended the campaign as a cohort and went into the final battle with the PCs.
Sanvil was also taken alive and given to the Torch Council, who made him promise to provide information on the Technic League and he was sentenced to community service on the recommendation of the PCs. This led him to assisting Garrit Burwaddle in the junkyard, and him accidentally saving Burwaddle's life when he came to show Sanvil a remarkably in-tact technological device (Sanvil immediately recognized was an activating inferno grenade). Throwing the grenade off the side of the hill and saving Burwaddle made him a small town hero, much to his disgust.

Gratz |

So my group just finished up the 1st book and Meyanda is alive and unconscious right now. I'm just wondering if that happened with other groups and how to play that out.
My group captured her as well, but she threw the towel when she saw that her mission essentially failed, so she was still conscious.
The PCs decided that the town council should decide what happens to her. Our android and cleric (member of the church of Brigh) convinced the priest of Brigh (can't remember his name right now) that she was misguided and with his direction she would be able to see a path of less violence. So the priest was pushing for giving her a chance at redemption, if she restores the torch to the way it worked before. The council agreed to his proposition, some only reluctantly and some because for less idealistic reasons, but more of pragmatism. Some members were clearly more interested in the information she could provide.
So Meyanda did some "Prison" and she had to do some community service in the church of Brigh, after she helped the PCs to track Sanvil (my group is terrible at Survival skill checks...). The PCs get to see her progression every time they visit the Torch and it's a nice throwback.

Melanis Zbri |
My group finally wrapped up FoC. Meyanda is currently indifferent to the PC android empiricist, and unfriendly with the rest (and still loyal towards Hellion). They hit upon the flaws in her logic due to her lack of lived experiences and decided to show her alternate points of view in an attempt to allow her to form a new judgment of the world. Then they saved her when the TL showed up in Torch.
There was talk before the TL showed up of leaving her in Torch and holding some sort of trial with following long-term rehabilitation but that got overtaken by events.

Dante Doom |

In the game that i run Meyanda was captured too. When she failed her mission Hellion stopped talking to her. She lost all the connection to her God. So she was in a lost...
The players were real good to her so she told a lot about Scrapwall.
THe players left her with Joram Kyt, i will probably make her a cleric of Brigh.