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We are just starting Lords of Rust but events in FoC have followed some of my sketched out plots for the middle third of the series. Choking Tower and Valley of the Brain Collectors always seemed a bit disconnected from the rest of the campaign. Now, they are bits of conflict to free Torch from Technic League control (they, unfortunately, trusted a certain FoC NPC and are now wanted by the TL and the Black Horse clan, and Torch's charter with the clan is at risk, occupied by the TL as its only means to remain), and to handle the growing issue in the Felldales. I've created a faction of former Mendevian crusaders who hold up in a ruined dropship (there is a Darklands path that leads into the Worldwound region and pops up in the Felldales). The 'vaulters' (inspired by Steel Brotherhood from Fallout) are succumbing to TL influence, and are fighting a losing battle with the things in the Valley and their annihilator robots raiding local settlements for information and brains. So CT will involve the PCs likely hunting down a League task force (essentially a chartered adventuring party) looking for the books stolen from the League. VotBC will be more tracking the annihilators down after one of their raids. There's a bit more going on than that but some players read these boards so I will leave it at that for now. ![]()
My group finally wrapped up FoC. Meyanda is currently indifferent to the PC android empiricist, and unfriendly with the rest (and still loyal towards Hellion). They hit upon the flaws in her logic due to her lack of lived experiences and decided to show her alternate points of view in an attempt to allow her to form a new judgment of the world. Then they saved her when the TL showed up in Torch. There was talk before the TL showed up of leaving her in Torch and holding some sort of trial with following long-term rehabilitation but that got overtaken by events. ![]()
Ascalaphus wrote:
Something that's been building out of random rumours and some of the variations on the module I've been reading here is there is also some larger issue with the ratfolk in the region - they are raiding far more than normal. Now in the module as written this is explained by Hellion's forces pushing them out, but with some of the ideas from this board, I've been coming up with some sort of clash between the various hiveminds in the area (the cranial rats that essentially control Redtooth's group, the nest of ratfolk the regional guide indicates is nearby, etc). I'm not sure how far along this path I want to go but I am looking at some Skaven/mutant vibe - possibly (outside the scope of the path) another emergent Iron God? ![]()
They rescued Khonnir this week, I had to downgrade the Collector Robot's hardness on the fly to 5 points, otherwise only 2 PCs had any chance of hurting it and both were wounded badly by the medical drone. And this was after they hit the vegepygmies, and their leader fled from the attack, opened the door to the telepathic fungus (that the PCs were spooked by the session before, fearing it was a brain collector like on the security cam footage), had it sicken and daze a handful, then abandoned and fled under the guise of surrendering (only to discover that the other half of the party who had been cleaning up the mold area didn't have message up, didn't speak a lick of undercommon and didn't know anything about the "let me go in peace" deal made with the first half of the party). They've now hit level 3 and I think I'm getting a better handle on how to tweak the encounters to cope with numbers, higher stats, etc. This one was pretty challenging. ![]()
I'm using it with the AP and it seems to work rather well. The loot in the modules already are pretty light on the Big 6 as it is - especially stat bonuses (unless PCs are butchering high-level NPCs to extract the cyberware from their nervous systems). The party is only level 2 at the moment (so the bonuses haven't started kicking in) but I've been doing prepwork for the whole AP (all loot lists were compiled and revised at least once, I'm doing a second comb through now to help customize them a bit to fit the personal preferences of the PCs now, all of IG-1 is done, IG-2 is about 75% done with just the heroic NPC gear left for the Lords of Rust, and starting the sketching out of IG-3). AGB also helps with certain NPC encounters - it makes them a bit more reasonable narratively (why would X be out here but still have all this magic gear that could have been sold for passage to another location?). I'm thinking particularly of NPCs in IG2 and IG4 in particular. ![]()
I hope the session went well. I looked at doing the same thing but what changed my mind was the limitations on using animal focus (it could only apply to one companion). I instead kept him as a ranger but gave him Boon Companion to give him the levels necessary to make the birds Companion 2s (picking up the Hover feat for each). ![]()
We're using the Unleashed automatic bonus progression. The group's only level 2 so nothing has kicked in yet but I am hoping that curbs the Big 6 temptation. Our group is a big one:
At level 2 things are still too swingy to properly calibrate encounters. They cake walked over the habitat dome but half of them dropped to the repair drone in the earlier corridor. ![]()
Hey folks. First post here, but fairly long-time reader. I've seen a couple of sorc conversions for bloodrager, but I cobbled two for an upcoming Iron Gods AP campaign. I did have a third, but it really fell apart (if someone has some suggestions for bloodline powers for a Stormsoul path, put a reply in here). The two I did make up were rather easy, since both lines make the Sorc more combat/melee-focused. I'll only note the bits that differ from the original sorceror lines. I'm looking for feedback from folks with a bit more Pathfinder-specific rules mastery. In both cases I didn't want to go too far afield from the original sorceror material, so I know they aren't terribly innovative. The goal wasn't to create new but to adapt existing for possible PC bloodrager use. Boreal Bloodrager:
This one was realtively simple - a bloodline that turns the sorceror into a melee'ing frost giant-y sort of person.
Feats: Arcane Strike, Endurance, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Toughness ((needs 1-2 more)) Bonus spells: Enlarge Person (7th), Ice Slick (10th), Elemental Aura (Cold only) (13th), Wall of Ice (16th)
I've seen the Boreal version drafted up on this board, but I wanted to shy away from a Monkey Grip-type ability. So I kept that transformative element until the level 16 power - in part because bloodrager spell casting will never get the Giant Form spell but at that level it seemed appropriate to the combat ability the class otherwise has. Nanite Bloodrager: I was thinking of using this bloodline to make the class a bit more android-useful but had second thoughts and decided to stay with the idea.
Feats: Blind Fight, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Improved Disarm, Lightning Reflexes, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Engineering) Bonus Spells: Body Capacitance (7th), Defensive Shock (10th), Miasmatic Form (13th), Echolocation (17th)