Corbynsonn |

Quick query on how these all react:
Underground Chemist states:
At 2nd level, an underground chemist is able to retrieve an alchemical item as if drawing a weapon. She adds her Intelligence modifier to damage dealt with splash weapons, including any splash damage.
Precise Splash Weapons (Ex)
At 4th level, an underground chemist can deal sneak attack damage with splash weapons. The attack must be her first attack that round, qualify for dealing sneak attack damage (such as against a flat-footed target), and be directed at a creature rather than a square.
While the Alchemist VMC states that a PC does not add his/her intelligence bonus to the bomb's damage.
A) Do Bombs count as Splash Weapons for the purpose of "Chemical Weapon"
B) Does an Underground Chemist add his/her sneak attack damage against targets hit by the Bombs splash damage if the attack is directed at a creature rather than a square?
Thank you.

Zwordsman |
1) They do not count for the quick drawing (as bombs have a specific action to creat)
HOWEVER they should qualify for the INT damage. Bombs are splash weapons. THey use the specific throw splash weapon attack. They are not "items" in the alchemical item listing but they are still splash weapons. Really all over the class description of bombs it stats they are splash weapons and give splash damage. No item in the game does splash damage without being a splash weapon. Everything else is referred to Area of Effect (see some of the alchemical items that do aoe but arent' splash)
Extra evidence past the actual alchemist bomb section calling them splash weapons. Alchemist's Throw anything specifically statted it applyed to alchemist bombs. In the section concerning INT to damage is almost the same wording-except throw anything notes it as being included in the bomb class feature already (because they are splash weapons)
Yes there is a specific in the VMC they do not gain Int to damage. BUT that is because the alchemist's get int to damage from throw anything not their bomb feature. it is just pre-factored for convience. The VMC doesnt' have throw anything so they don't get the int from it.
Thus that specific does not conflict with the specific from underground chemist gaining Int to damage.
2) Correct me if I'm wrong but that ability only allows sneak attack damage on the main target of the bomb. no one taking splash takes sneak damage.
But. In the case of throwing an alchemist bomb onto a guy who is valid for sneak attack. Thhat will do bomb damage and sneak attack to that one person.
the sneak attack damage should not apply to the bomb's splash damage as it is a extra effect rather than a main splash weapon damage. I think anyway.
Throw anything verifies that alchemist bombs are splash weapons, or at the absolute very least count as them for effects. (which really are the same thing mechanically)
All alchemists gain the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. An alchemist adds his Intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage if any. This bonus damage is already included in the bomb class feature.