Corbynsonn |

Before getting into the meat of it my question is a simple one, at Character Level 11 and then Character Level 17 can a PC activate his/her Bardic Performance as a Move/Swift action at the correct levels? (Character Level -4)
The VMC section states:
"A character who selects this option doesn’t gain feats at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, but instead gains class features from her secondary class as described on Table 2–8: Multiclass Character Advancement."
While the Bard VMC states:
"Bardic Performance: At X level, he gains the ability to inspire courage and inspire competence as a bard of his character level – 4 for a number of rounds per day equal to his Charisma modifier + his character level."
Therefore does the character:
A) Gain the Bardic Performance Class Feature with access to the prescribed performances, thus allowing him/her to qualify for Bardic Performance Feats
And B) Gain the ability to active said performances more quickly as he gains level, in regards to the section within the VMC description noting the character gains the class feature.
Thanks Again.

Gisher |

A) I would say yes. The witch VMC has a specific mention that the hexes gained don't qualify for the Extra Hex feat. If the bard VMC had a similar restriction, I would expect it to be mentioned.
B) Again I would say yes. The reduction in starting time isn't a separate class feature. It is part of the performance class feature that you are getting access to.