Matthew Morris RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 |
DesolateHarmony |
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For core, there are no shiny new options, so...
Potion of fly, cure serious wounds, remove blindness, lesser restoration
Wand of a 1st level spell
Scroll of a second level spell, x5
MW mighty composite longbow
MW half-plate (usually only after first mod)
MW silver weapon
Scroll of a third level spell, x2
Kess, Humble Servant of Abadar |
There are many great Core 1st level wands that are available.
-Hold Portal (you never know!)
-Comprehend Languages
-Endure elements
-Protection from <blah>
-Obscuring Mist (again, just in case)
-Magic weapon
-Detect/Read Magic (if you only have UMD and no real caster in the group)
-Grease (great used defensively)
-Detect Secret Doors
-True Strike
-Enlarge person
-Expeditious retreat
grandpoobah |
Adding to everyone else's list:
-Potion of Gaseous Form (best way out of a grapple, especially in CORE)
-Oil of Daylight (splash on your person when those nasty Babau show up)
-5x scroll of lesser restoration. Even if you can't use them, you'll need them (to repair ability damage from poison, etc.). It's on the Druid, Cleric, and Paladin list (and the UMD list).
-Wand of Longstrider: if you are a Ranger/Druid, or just have high UMD, +10 to speed is great. Good for low level Ranger/Druid so they don't have to spend a spell slot
-Wand of Magic missile: Sorc/Wiz, or high UMD. Better than a Longbow, it always hits (well, unless you're rolling UMD).
-Composite, Masterwork, Darkwood, STR+3 longbow (it's just shy of 750gp)
-Dragonhide Breastplate: For druids!
-Wand of Mage Armor: If you're a Wizard/Sorc, or a Monk - good to have. Monks can gamble on someone else casting it on them (and have potions for when a Wiz/Sorc/UMD isn't there)
-a single 4th level scroll (freedom of movement, death ward)
-two 3rd level spells (2-pack of fireball, magic circle vs evil, invisibility purge)
-five 2nd level spells (lesser restoration...)
-a third level potion
-a first level wand
I generally only spend 2PP for an item close to 750gp in value, because that gets you the most out of your PP (that's 375gp per PP, as opposed to spending 1PP for a single 150gp item).
But if you have lots of PP at higher levels, it might be worth it to just spend it on 300gp 2nd level potions (lesser restoration, darkvision, invisibility) instead of spending more cash.
And it's not a bad idea to bank 16PP for a Raise Dead (and +8PP to remove two permanent negative levels)