Ring of the Ecclesiarch, Suzerain Scepter and Crusader?

Rules Questions

Do these stack? Could you have two rings?

Does crusader stack over it or directly get multiplied?

As in, if you have Leadership score of 10..somehow (Lowest number so easiest to work with) you gain just five followers

So let's go with five followers for a base

Pop on a ring, that's ten followers, scepter is fifteen (The normal amount)

Can you pop on a second ring for a total of twenty followers?

If you take crusader, would you gain another twenty followers, or just Twenty five?

Before you shout broken, we're dealing with leadership... the campaign is intentionally broken.

In regard to having two rings, personally I would say they wouldn't stack. As for the rest I'd like to see some additional opinions.

Dustyboy wrote:

Do these stack? Could you have two rings?

Does crusader stack over it or directly get multiplied?

As in, if you have Leadership score of 10..somehow (Lowest number so easiest to work with) you gain just five followers

So let's go with five followers for a base

Pop on a ring, that's ten followers, scepter is fifteen (The normal amount)

Can you pop on a second ring for a total of twenty followers?

If you take crusader, would you gain another twenty followers, or just Twenty five?

Before you shout broken, we're dealing with leadership... the campaign is intentionally broken.


Mythic Crusader
Ring of the Ecclesiarch
Suzerain Scepter

Mythic Crusader gives you Leadership feat equivalent with tier added to score. If you have this and the Leadership feat, you double numbers of followers.
Ring doubles followers.
Suzerain Scepter doubles followers.

As with most things, a doubled double is a triple. So Crusader+Ring+Scepter = 4xFollowers.
Per the PRD, cohorts are not followers, so only Leadership grants you a cohort. Mythic Crusader does not.

Getting two rings would not work, since it is the same thing from two sources, where the others are all different things.

I made a post a while ago about leadership magic. While the Breastplate of Command is not as good, and more expensive than a Diadem of Inspiring Rule, it does offer other things. Looks like I forgot the plain Headband of +CHA. Still, a useful list, and linked.


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