S&S and Class Deck Errata Decks

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Here are the tentative card lists for S&S and the first 7 Class Decks. Please let me know if you think anything's wrong. (Sorry about the formatting...)


Set Card Type Name Qty Editing Notes

  • B Role Jirelle 1 On the Pirate Queen side of Jirelle's role card, change "▢ If you are on a ship, you (▢ or another character on the ship) may move at the end of that character's turn" to "▢ If you are on a ship, you may move at the end of your turn (▢ or the character commanding your ship may move at the end of her turn)".
  • B Character Seltyiel 1 On Seltyiel’s character and role cards, change “before you reset your hand” to “at the end of your turn.”
  • B Role Seltyiel 1 On Seltyiel’s character and role cards, change “before you reset your hand” to “at the end of your turn.”
  • B Scenario Sunken Treasure 1 On the scenario Sunken Treasure, change "into the location deck" to "into that location deck."
  • B Location Tempest Cay 1 On the location Tempest Cay, replace the At this Location text with "If this location is occupied, Structural damage to your ship at any location is increased by 1."
  • B Location Wishing Well 1 Change the location Wishing Well's At This Location power to "When you acquire a boon, summon and encounter the henchman Pirate Shade Haunt, which may not be evaded; display it next to your character card."
  • B Henchman Enemy Ship 8 change the check to defeat from "See Below" to "None".
  • B Monster Crab Swarm 2 On the monster Crab Swarm, replace the power with the following: Before you act, each other character at your location must summon and encounter the Crab Swarm. (new paragraph) If any character would defeat the Crab Swarm, reroll the dice; that character must take the new result.
  • B Barrier Ambush 1 On the barrier Ambush, change "encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your check" to "encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it".
  • B Barrier Pirate Hunting 2 change the check to defeat from "See Below" to "None"; change "If the summoned card is undefeated" to "If the summoned card is not defeated"
  • B Barrier Treasure Hunt 1 replace "Then banish this barrier" with "If any character succeeds at the check, the barrier is defeated; otherwise, it's undefeated".
  • B Weapon Dagger 3 change "to the combat check" to "to your combat check"
  • B Weapon Heavy Crossbow 1 remove the Elite trait
  • B Weapon Throwing Axe 1 change "instead" to "additionally".
  • B Spell Confusion 1 add the Attack trait.
  • B Armor Buckler Gun 1 change "add the Ranged trait" to "add the Piercing and Ranged traits"
  • B Ally Swab 2 change "Reveal this card…" to "Display this card…"
  • C Character Damiel 1 In the Powers section on Damiel's character card and both sides of his role card, change "When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait, recharge it instead" to "When you play a card that has the Alchemical trait and would banish it, you may recharge it instead"; change "When you play a spell that does not have the Attack trait, you gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill until the end of the step" to "You gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill while you play or when you would banish a spell that does not have the Attack trait".
  • C Role Damiel 1 In the Powers section on Damiel's character card and both sides of his role card, change "When you would banish a card that has the Alchemical trait, recharge it instead" to "When you play a card that has the Alchemical trait and would banish it, you may recharge it instead"; change "When you play a spell that does not have the Attack trait, you gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill until the end of the step" to "You gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill while you play or when you would banish a spell that does not have the Attack trait".
  • C Role Lini 1 On the Aquamancer side of Lini's role card, replace the second-to-last power with the following: □ Add 2 (□ 4) to any combat check by a character at your location against a card that has the Aquatic trait (□ or any check by that character against a ship).; after "If you defeat a monster that has the Aquatic trait" add "and would banish it".
  • C Henchman Enemy Ship 0 (Note that we've put all 8 into B per ACG-132)
  • C Monster Crab Swarm 1 On the monster Crab Swarm, replace the power with the following: Before you act, each other character at your location must summon and encounter the Crab Swarm. (new paragraph) If any character would defeat the Crab Swarm, reroll the dice; that character must take the new result.
  • C Barrier Ambush 2 On the barrier Ambush, change "encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your check" to "encounter it, subtracting 1 from each die rolled in your checks against it".
  • C Barrier Pirate Hunting 1 change the check to defeat from "See Below" to "None"; change "If the summoned card is undefeated" to "If the summoned card is not defeated"
  • C Barrier Treasure Hunt 1 replace "Then banish this barrier" with "If any character succeeds at the check, the barrier is defeated; otherwise, it's undefeated".
  • C Item Potion of Lucubration 2 replace the Elite trait with the Basic trait
  • 1 Scenario Press Ganged! 1 change the sentence "Each character’s hand size is equal to the number of cards in the bane pile" to "Each character's hand size cannot be greater than the number of cards in the bane pile."
  • 1 Ship Man's Promise 1 On the back of the ship Man's Promise, change "Other characters may not move with this ship from this location" to "Other characters may not move or be moved from your location".
  • 1 Weapon Animalbane Dagger +1 1 change "to the combat check" to "to your combat check"
  • 1 Weapon Pepperbox 1 add Craft as one of the skills in the check to acquire
  • 1 Spell Sphere of Fire 2 replace "At the end of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..." with "This counts as playing a spell. At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..."
  • 2 Scenario Give the Devil His Due 1 change "When you would encounter a ship, instead move the Devil’s Pallor to your location and encounter it" to "If a card would summon a ship, instead move the Devil’s Pallor to your location and encounter it".
  • 2 Villain The Matron 1 change the last paragraph to "If defeated, when you would close the location, instead banish The Matron and shuffle the villain Krelloort into the location deck."
  • 2 Weapon Dagger Pistol +1 1 change "to the combat check" to "to your combat check"
  • 2 Spell Aqueous Orb 2 replace "At the end of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..." with "This counts as playing a spell. At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..."
  • 2 Item Jolly Roger 2 change the power to "Display this card next to your character. While displayed, add 1d6 to your checks to defeat ships."
  • 3 Scenario Bizarre Love Triangle 1 replace the During this Scenario text with the following: If a villain cannot escape to an open location, shuffle the villain into a random location, opening it. (new para) To win the scenario, defeat any villain while all three villains are in the same location deck.
  • 3 Location Jasperleaf Apothecary 1 under "When Closing," change "summon and encounter" to "summon and defeat".
  • 3 Location Widowmaker Island 1 change the When Closing power to "Summon and defeat a random ship; you may seize it."
  • 3 Spell Freezing Sphere 2 replace "At the end of your turn, if you do not have the Arcane skill..." with "At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have the Arcane skill..."
  • 4 Role Bikendi Otongu 1 change "If you win the scenario, draw 1 card of each boon type other than loot" to "If you win the scenario, draw 1 random card of each type of boon other than loot from the box. This counts as a scenario reward."
  • 4 Location Teleportation Chamber 1 in the At This Location power, change "Choose a random character" to "At the start of your turn, randomly choose a character". Change the "When Closing" power to "Examine the top card of a random other open location deck and, if it is a bane, succeed at its checks to defeat. If you did not examine a bane, this location closes automatically."
  • 4 Henchman Gholdako 6 add "The Gholdako is immune to the Mental and Poison traits."
  • 4 Henchman Ghol-Gan Obelisk 6 change the check to defeat from "See Below" to "None".
  • 4 Monster Gargoyle Sniper 2 change "succeed at a Perception 12 check" to "succeed at a Wisdom or Perception 12 check".
  • 4 Weapon Invigorating Kukri +1 1 change "to the combat check" to "to your combat check"
  • 4 Loot Conch of the Tritons 1 change "No other cards may be used on this check" to "Characters may not play other cards or use powers on this check".
  • 5 Scenario Best Served Cold 1 in the list of henchman, add "Sentinel Devil" before Erinyes Devils. In the During This Scenario section, change "When you encounter Barnabas Harrigan, each other character must summon and encounter a random henchman from the henchman pile" to "When you encounter Barnabas Harrigan, each other character must encounter a random henchman from the henchman pile. Return the henchman to the pile after the encounter."
  • 5 Villain Incutilis 1 change the check to defeat from "See Below" to "None".
  • 5 Henchman Gilbrok the Tongue 1 add the following to the end of the second power: “If the summoned henchman is undefeated, display it next to your character card.”
  • 5 Monster Voidstick Zombie 1 replace the power "For the rest of the turn, the difficulty of Divine checks at your location is increased by 3, and powers that have the Healing trait used by characters at your location recharge 1 fewer card" with "After your check to defeat, until the end of the turn, the difficulty of Divine checks by characters at your current location is increased by 3, and powers that have the Healing trait used by those characters recharge 1 fewer card".
  • 6 Monster Chelish Marine 2 change "Each character at your location must summon and encounter the Chelish Marine; it is defeated or undefeated based solely on your check" to "Before you act, each other character at your location summons and encounters the Chelish Marine".
  • 6 Monster Pirate Sniper 2 change "then 1d4–1 Ranged Combat to you" to "then 1d4–1 Ranged Combat damage to you".
  • 6 Weapon Adamantine Trident +3 1 change "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of a combat check" to "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of that combat check", and move that sentence to the end of the first power.
  • 6 Spell Vengeful Storm 2 delete the words "Wisdom or".
  • 6 Loot Doubleshot Pepperbox 1 delete the phrase "or on a 1–4 if you buried any cards to add damage".

Total cards: 87

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Class Decks:
Set Card Type Name Qty Editing Notes

  • Bard Character Meliski 1 change "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ 2 dice)" to "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ or 2 dice).
  • Bard Role Meliski 1 on both sides, change "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ 2 dice)" to "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ or 2 dice).
  • Bard Weapon Flaming Scimitar +1 1 add the Magic trait.
  • Bard Spell Glibness 1 needs the italicized text in the following quoted section: "At the end of the turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 8 check.
  • Bard Spell Paralyze 1 add the Attack trait
  • Bard Armor Shield of Fire Resistance 1 add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Bard Armor Spiny Shield 1 add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Bard Item Ivory Dice 1 change the check to acquire from "See Below" to "None."
  • Bard Ally Fortune-Teller 1 change the check to acquire from "See Below" to "None."
  • Cleric Character Kyra 1 change "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and the Magic (▢ and Fire) trait to it" to "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and you may add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait)".
  • Cleric Role Kyra 1 on both sides, change "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and the Magic (▢ and Fire) trait to it" to "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and you may add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait)".
  • Cleric Weapon Dancing Scimitar +2 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Cleric Spell Vengeful Storm 1 delete the words "Wisdom or".
  • Cleric Armor Deathbane Shield 1 Change the second and third powers to "Reveal this card to add the Magic trait to your combat check, or to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. If you are proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check." (new para) “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Fighter Weapon Adamantine Trident +3 1 change "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of a combat check" to "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of that combat check", and move that sentence to the end of the first power.
  • Fighter Weapon Dancing Mace +2 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Fighter Spell Paralyze 1 add the Attack trait.
  • Fighter Armor Spiny Shield 1 add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Ranger Character Agna 1 change "that weapon’s traits" to "that card's traits".
  • Ranger Role Agna 1 on both sides, change "that weapon’s traits" to "that card's traits".
  • Ranger Role Arabundi 1 On the Mage Hunter side, change the last power from "▢ When you play Blessing of the Gods on your non-combat check, you may recharge a random spell from your discard pile" to "▢ When you play Blessing of the Gods (▢ or any blessing) on your non-combat check, you may recharge a random spell from your discard pile".
  • Ranger Weapon Adamantine Poniard +1 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Ranger Weapon Dagger 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Ranger Weapon Invigorating Kukri +1 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Ranger Armor Entropy Shield 1 add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Rogue Character Lesath 1 change "When you would banish a monster, display it. You may recharge a card to add 1d6 (▢+1) to your combat check for each displayed monster." to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."
  • Rogue Role Lesath 1 on the Sword Dancer side, change "When you would banish a monster, display it. You may recharge a card to add 1d6 (▢+1) to your combat check for each displayed monster." to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters." On the Dervish side, change the power to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) (▢+2) (▢+3) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."
  • Rogue Role Wu-Shen 1 On the Prey Stalker side, change "Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier (▢ or close a location)" to "▢ Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier or close a location".
  • Rogue Weapon Animalbane Dagger +1 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Rogue Weapon Dagger 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Rogue Weapon Invigorating Kukri +1 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Rogue Weapon Light Crossbow +1 1 replace the Basic trait with the Magic trait.
  • Rogue Spell Speed 1 the check to acquire should be Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6.
  • Rogue Armor Arrow Catching Studded Leather 1 add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”
  • Sorcerer Character Amaryllis 1 change "After (▢ and before) you reset your hand" to "At the end of your turn, after (▢ and before) you reset your hand".
  • Sorcerer Role Amaryllis 1 on both sides, change "After (▢ and before) you reset your hand" to "At the end of your turn, after (▢ and before) you reset your hand".
  • Sorcerer Role Seoni 1 On the Tattooed Mystic side of Seoni's role card, change "After you are dealt Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage, you may draw 1 card (▢ 2 cards)" to "After you are dealt Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage, you may draw 1 card (▢ or 2 cards)".
  • Sorcerer Weapon Sling 1 change "instead" to "additionally".
  • Sorceror Weapon Dagger 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Sorcerer Spell Confusion 1 add the Attack trait
  • Sorcerer Ally Incanter 1 remove Divine from the check to acquire.
  • Wizard Character Radillo 1 change "After you play a spell that has the Arcane trait" to "When you play a spell that has the Arcane trait during an encounter".
  • Wizard Role Radillo 1 on both sides, change "After you play a spell that has the Arcane trait" to "When you play a spell that has the Arcane trait during an encounter". On the Arcane Collector side, replace "When you encounter a boon, you may bury a card to banish it and instead summon and encounter a random boon of the same type ... from the box" with "When you encounter a boon, you may bury a card to exchange it with a random boon of the same type ... from the box". On the Puppet Master side of Radillo's role card, change "When any character at your location encounters a monster, you may recharge an ally to reduce the difficulty of the check to defeat the monster" to "When any character at your location attempts a check to defeat a monster, you may recharge an ally to reduce the difficulty of that check".
  • Wizard Weapon Dancing Mace +2 1 Change "the combat check" to "your combat check"
  • Wizard Weapon Sling 1 change "instead" to "additionally".
  • Wizard Spell Paralyze 1 add the Attack trait.
  • Wizard Spell Sphere of Fire 1 replace "At the end of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..." with "This counts as playing a spell. At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..."
  • Wizard Ally Incanter 1 remove Divine from the check to acquire.
  • Wizard Ally Snake 1 remove the word "non-combat."

Total cards: 49

I belive there is still an open question for the Masterwork spell.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Yep. Odds are good we'll be adding that to Wizard and Fighter.

Hmmm... My S&S file seems to add up to 94 cards. I'll go through and see where the discrepancy is.

I've got the following in my file (granted, I could be wrong):

Sharpshooter's Blade
Blood Moon ship
Fargo Vitterande
Blood Moon Pirate

I also count 2 Treasure Hunt in deck B (as opposed to 1).

And I think the list above has the quantities of Ambush in B and C reversed. It should be 2 in B and 1 in C.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

You're right that I've left off the Lycanthropes (add Wereshark Pirate and Captain Horrus Riptooth to your list), but what do you have for Sharpshooter's Blade?

I think it has a "dagger like" power. I changed "the combat check" to "your combat check". That was based on the general dagger FAQ. Though I now notice it isn't in the FAQ list of affected cards, so maybe I shouldn't have made that change.

Yup. I missed Wereshark Pirate and Captain Horus Riptooth.

Fortune-Teller has a power change, the list above has a change to the check to acquire. (I'm guessing that is a copy and paste error.)

I've got 53 for the Class Decks, but that is anticipation of the Materwork change, so I've got 51 compared to the 49 above. I'll dig deeper.

I've got Winged Shield in the Fighter Deck and Dancing Mace +2 in the Ranger Deck.

(Also, I'm not sure if you saw my comment above about Treasure Hunt and Ambush? I added it in an edit, so I wanted to make sure you didn't miss the edit. Thanks.)

Since they moved the two Enemy Ships from C to B, I'm guessing they moved one Ambush and one Treasure hunt from B to C.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Malcolm_Reynolds is correct—any new versions of Skull & Shackles (foreign translations, electronic adaptations, etc.) will have those changes in the card list.

I suppose it's a fair question of whether or not we should do that in the errata decks. (No matter what, those cards are going in the decks—the only question is whether or not we do the set indicator swaps.)

The big "pro" argument is that once you've incorporated the errata decks, if you decide to pull out the Add-On Deck for whatever reason, you'll be able to play The Free Captain's Regatta without proxying (as per this FAQ).

The big "anti" argument is that when you incorporate the errata decks, you might get confused if you look for cards by set indicator, as 4 of them won't match up. However, there were set indicator changes in the RotR errata decks and nobody reported confusion, so I'm leaning to "pro."

I'd be fine with "pro" too. They are cards you are changing anyway. And I don't look for cards by set number as much as by name when I'm incorporating an errata. And at this point B and C are mostly equal in my mind anyway. When I get the errata, I will flip through all my B/C cards (which I keep together) and pull all the ones named Ambush and Treasure Hunt. Then I'll put in the new ones named Ambush and Treasure Hunt.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
I've got Winged Shield in the Fighter Deck and Dancing Mace +2 in the Ranger Deck.

You are correct, sir—those were left out of their respective FAQ entries, which have been updated. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
Fortune-Teller has a power change, the list above has a change to the check to acquire. (I'm guessing that is a copy and paste error.)

Correct again. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Added Masterwork to Fighter and Wizard.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Sharpshooter's Blade is in.

I meant to check this over the weekend but completely forgot, and now it'll be a while before I have the cards in front of me again, so sorry for not being more specific ...

There is a Greatclub in one class deck and a Greatclub +1 in another, and I noticed while playing once that the Powers text is exactly the same. The Greatclub +1 has the Magic trait, while the other does not. IIRC the checks to acquire are slightly different as well. Is this intentional? My guess is that the non-Magic Greatclub should actually be "Strength or Melee + 1d10" and not "Strength or Melee + 1d10 +1" as they both are now.

Sorry for not making a note of which decks they are in; we play with all class decks included. Can anyone help?

Grand Lodge

iMonkey wrote:

I meant to check this over the weekend but completely forgot, and now it'll be a while before I have the cards in front of me again, so sorry for not being more specific ...

There is a Greatclub in one class deck and a Greatclub +1 in another, and I noticed while playing once that the Powers text is exactly the same. The Greatclub +1 has the Magic trait, while the other does not. IIRC the checks to acquire are slightly different as well. Is this intentional? My guess is that the non-Magic Greatclub should actually be "Strength or Melee + 1d10" and not "Strength or Melee + 1d10 +1" as they both are now.

Sorry for not making a note of which decks they are in; we play with all class decks included. Can anyone help?

Sorry that I can't quote the post right now but the Greatclub is indeed +1 but does not have the Magic trait. That's the important part.

[EDIT: Here's Mike's answer]

Ah yes. Thank you, Theryon. I, um ... totally checked the forums before posting......

Let me just go find some salt and pepper for this crow...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Adding Krelloort and Keen Rapier +3 to S&S. Keen Rapier +3 also added to Class Decks (Rogue and Bard).

Grand Lodge

iMonkey wrote:

Ah yes. Thank you, Theryon. I, um ... totally checked the forums before posting......

Let me just go find some salt and pepper for this crow...

No worries. Just wanted to make sure that you had an answer why the greatclub is that way.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Added Endurance to Ranger deck.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Added Imp to S&S.

Any news for this project?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Same as before—it'll happen, but it's not done yet.

Grand Lodge

Will these happen before the next season, Season of the Runelords?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Please let me know if you think anything's wrong.

I'm not sure if this is wrong or not (because it didn't go through the usual FAQ process), but Merisiel's Shadow role has been updated in the character sheets, but it never got to the FAQ, though at some point you (Vic) said it would.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Fayries wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Please let me know if you think anything's wrong.
I'm not sure if this is wrong or not (because it didn't go through the usual FAQ process), but Merisiel's Shadow role has been updated in the character sheets, but it never got to the FAQ, though at some point you (Vic) said it would.

Since the "New: Details of Encountering" sidebar in the S&S rulebook explains what to do here, we decided it was cosmetic, and thus not a FAQ candidate.

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