Spell Sage Wizard - Breath of Life Contingency - is this legal?

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My Spell Sage just hit level 11.
What I want to do is this:
1. Cast contingency, using my focused spells class ability to cast it at caster level 15 so I can get a contingent 5th level spell.
2. Use Spell Study to cast breath of life together with the contingency.
3. Set the trigger condition as my own death.

Is there anything I have misread that prevents me from achieving a contingent breath of life if I die in this way?

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Not that i Can see it seems Sound.

Ralph Cauthorn wrote:

My Spell Sage just hit level 11.

What I want to do is this:
1. Cast contingency, using my focused spells class ability to cast it at caster level 15 so I can get a contingent 5th level spell.
2. Use Spell Study to cast breath of life together with the contingency.
3. Set the trigger condition as my own death.

Is there anything I have misread that prevents me from achieving a contingent breath of life if I die in this way?

I'm writing a guide to the Spell Sage, and this trick is going into it.

Doug M.

Grand Lodge

You have to cast the spell as you cast contingency right? Does the extended casting time affect that?

Balancer wrote:
You have to cast the spell as you cast contingency right? Does the extended casting time affect that?


From the Contingency spell: "The 10-minute casting time is the minimum total for both castings; if the companion spell has a casting time longer than 10 minutes, use that instead." Breath of Life has a normal casting time of one standard. Casting it as a Spell Sage, it would take you six rounds. That's less than 10 minutes, so the total casting time is 10 minutes.

Doug M.

Liberty's Edge

I think it should work.

In theory, a GM could rule that the special procedure you need to go through to expend two prepared spells over the course of several rounds to spontaneously cast a spell from another class list is incompatible with the special procedure you have to go through over ten minutes to store the casting of one prepared spell as a contingent effect maintained by another spell.

However, there are no stated rules to that effect, and this kind of creative spellcasting is specifically the archetype's 'schtick'.

It might work ;)

You have to be dead for Breath of Life to have an effect. And when it activates it grants you 5d8+15 hp (average of 38 hp), which revive you, if the amount gets you back to your limit.
If something gets you really down, that amount may not work, as I have seen before. But what will really kill you is the next round when you are back to life with few HP and the source of damage still around (and maybe within reach of you).
There are also lots of things which will kill you, Breath of Life or no. Death attacks, death by drain and similar things are still a problem. If you ever played a healer, you know what prevented you from saving your companions.

I cannot remember if death removes all spells from you, but if it does, that would remove the contingency and prevent it from happening. I know at least one DM who would come up with that one...

Ralph Cauthorn wrote:

My Spell Sage just hit level 11.

What I want to do is this:
1. Cast contingency, using my focused spells class ability to cast it at caster level 15 so I can get a contingent 5th level spell.
2. Use Spell Study to cast breath of life together with the contingency.
3. Set the trigger condition as my own death.

Is there anything I have misread that prevents me from achieving a contingent breath of life if I die in this way?

Running out of material components to cast the Contingency spell. It's not cheap.

Having the focus break on you before the contingency can be triggered...

Anti-Magic field or simmilar.

I would definitely allow it. Theres no rule against it, its not as powerful as it would seem (it only saves you once after all and is expensive), and even the fluff would support it in my book.

I see no reason any reasonable DM would disallow it, if they are theyre just afraid youre cheesing.

Death Contingencies have been in D&D for over 30 years, so, barring anything that specifically forbids them, they are legit.

Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
Ralph Cauthorn wrote:

My Spell Sage just hit level 11.

What I want to do is this:
1. Cast contingency, using my focused spells class ability to cast it at caster level 15 so I can get a contingent 5th level spell.
2. Use Spell Study to cast breath of life together with the contingency.
3. Set the trigger condition as my own death.

Is there anything I have misread that prevents me from achieving a contingent breath of life if I die in this way?

Running out of material components to cast the Contingency spell. It's not cheap.

Having the focus break on you before the contingency can be triggered...

Anti-Magic field or simmilar.

The material components have no cost, the reusable focus is what costs 1500 gp.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Vatras wrote:
You have to be dead for Breath of Life to have an effect. And when it activates it grants you 5d8+15 hp (average of 38 hp), which revive you, if the amount gets you back to your limit.

Breath of Life targets a "creature touched." You don't need to be dead to get the healing, it just also can bring you back to life. It's unofficial name is cure deadly wounds.

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