Corbynsonn |

Hey there, just curious on how exactly the aforementioned combination of classes would work in regards to the Warpriests "Channel Energy" ability.
The Order of the Star's "Calling" ability states:
"In addition, the cavalier adds 1/2 his cavalier level to any levels of paladin or cleric he might possess for the purposes of determining the effects of channel energy or lay on hands."
So my first question is, since the ability states "Paladin or Cleric" will the effect function with Warpriests, as I am unsure of how hybrid classes work with abilities set towards their parent classes.
The Holy Vindicator's "Channel Energy" ability states:
"The vindicator’s class level stacks with levels in any other class that grants the channel energy ability."
So my second question is, since the H.Vindicators ability does not specify any particular class how does this interact with the Warpriest "Channel Energy" ability as that ability states:
"Using this ability is a standard action that expends two uses of his fervor ability... The amount of damage dealt or healed is equal to the amount listed in the fervor ability.
Therefore as opposed to an independent ability that increases as a characters class level increases the Warpriest's "Channel Energy" ability is reliant upon it's "Fervor" ability which neither the H.Vindicator nor Order of the Star specifically target.
In summary:
A) How does, if at all, stacking levels for "Channel Energy" work with the Warpriest "Channel Energy" ability as that is reliant upon "Fervor"
B) If it does stack, would the Order of the Star's "Calling" ability interact with a Warpriest's "Channel Energy" ability?
Thank you again.