Advice for my viking (Aasimar Archaeologist Bard) [PFS]


[Edit]: This is for PFS!

Hi all!

I'm looking for some feat/ build advice for my "viking" :)

My character is an aasimar (angelkin) Trapper Freebooter Ranger 1 / Archaeologist Bard 3.

[spoiler from Eye's of the Ten]: He's also my "protege" character from "Eyes of the Ten", giving him a +2 to one ability score.

I play him as a "viking" type of character (of Ulfen descent), who is more of a "Loki"-viking than a "Thor"-viking. He knows seidr-magic (Bard spells), and he's born under a lucky star (archaeologist, fate's favored, aasimar). He has joined the Society to travel the world, loot treasure and woo women! He's used to the great outdoors, sailing, and trading in cities. His adventuring career started with looting graves, lost temples and so on, and he's therefore picked up on trapfinding, picking locks and more (he's got lots of skills).

His stats are as follows:

Str 18
Dex 14
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 14

AC 16, HP 33, Saves: 5 / 7 / 3 (+2 with Archaeologist's Luck)

Most used attack: Mwk Bardiche +8 (1d10+6 damage) (+2 with Archaeologist's Luck).

His traits and feats are: Fate's Favored, Maestro of the Society / Lingering Performance, Extra Performance.

Next level is going to see a spike in damage and usefulness, as he gets Power Attack, Archaeologist's Luck goes up 1 point, and he gets Heroism (the spell), which I'm guessing will be cast on him for most battles. That means his saves goes up by +3, attack and damage does the same, except when Power Attacking, where he'll be at +10 to hit and 1d10+15 for damage.

My plan is to first thing get him a Wand of Mirror Image and let that take care of most of his physical defenses.

Later he'll get Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, Mithral Breatsplate +1, Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection +1, Bardiche +1 (later adding keen), Runestones of Power and Pages of Spell Knowledge.

The character is very fun to play, with lots of versatility, and has up untill now proven quite adept in battle. Lvl 4 seems to be a bit of a low point for him, where next level seems to be a lot better again (battle-wise especially).

But where do I take him from here? I'm especially thinking feats. Next level I'm planning on getting Power Attack - but I could also take that as a Rogue Talent (Combat Trick), as I'll be getting one of those as well. I haven't really planned his feat progression from here on out... So do anyone have some ideas?

Any advice for me? :)

Your point buy doesn't look right. Do you have a belt of strength or something?

Power attack is a must, and it could be a good idea to take something to offset the attack penalty, such as weapon focus or furious focus. Alternatively, you could take an archery feat to help out when you can't get into melee.

I believe his point buy was
Str 3 +2 racial, +2 boon, +1 level
Dex 5
Con 5
Int 5
Wis 0
Cha 2 +2 racial

For feats, you're looking good. If you want, you could take another level of Ranger to pick up Precise Shot and take Deadly Aim at 7th. Arcane Strike could be a good choice, although you won't use it during the first round of combat.

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