THE best thread

Off-Topic Discussions

How do you choose which threads to read? And what to answer? I for one don't pick threads with lots of answers. Those people have lots of help already and I'll probably don't have much to contribute. (Except some fun threads.)
What do you do? How do you select?

I don't read any thread that bashes a class or touts a class above others. Same goes for feats, traits, spells, etc. The overpowered vs underpowered threads just bore me to tears.

I look for witty titles, and I appreciate home brews and conversions.

I typically will read anything that even attempts to patch certain aspects of the game that exist for legacy reasons. Rogue threads being the most common.

I also frequent the rules forum both for enlightenment and to help others.

Whenever someone asks for advice on PC builds or wants a community mind to make npcs this forum rarely does them wrong.

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I read threads looking for 101 of something. Those are great for creativity. I also like fix this class threads, again for new ideas but only for certain classes. Some silliness threads too, like Succubus in a Grapple.

Liberty's Edge

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I go to threads with lots of comments, contentious subjects, curious titles, and things that interest me (Druids, Magi, some others odds and ends).

I really like rules and advice threads because they (can) help improve system mastery.

Last, but not least, any thread title that mentions or suggests Dinosaurs... ^_^

DinosaursOnIce wrote:
Last, but not least, any thread title that mentions or suggests Dinosaurs... ^_^

Speaking of, what is the link to your conversion site for dinosaurs?

How do I select threads to read, or contribute to? Um...threads I'm interested in? Just because other people have commented doesn't mean I won't learn something new or have something new of my own to contribute.

Sometimes I just pass by and help by linking things for folks...

I also really like the threads with world or dungeon building and ideas. Or character background. The creative stuff. I answer the rules questions if I know the answer and it hasn't been posted yet.
Sometimes I go looking for threads where no one has replied yet, see if I can help them out.

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I usually pick threads with titles that get to the point. But more importantly, I hover the mouse pointer over the title for a preview popup to appear. If the relevant stuff appears (basically I look for the equivalent of a thesis statement/tl:dr version of the topic/question), then I find the thread worth checking out and right-click new tab it for reading later and continue until I finish a page of thread links.

If the preview popup is nothing but boring stuff like how the OP is giving background detail on what brought up the topic rather than saying what the actual topic is, I skip the thread.

If the thread is still active for a few days and still showing up in page 1 or 2 of the main Pathfinder RPG forum page and I've exhausted ALL other threads, I'll check out the ones I've skipped.

Why is this in conversions?

Because I'd like to talk about it, where would you have posted it?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Smart money that the OP read "Conversions" as "Conversations"

kestral287 wrote:
Smart money that the OP read "Conversions" as "Conversations"

Ehh.. yeah exactly what happend... Sorry! I'm not a native speaker and misread.

Apart from titles which suggest things I'd be interested in, I also keep an eye out for posters' names I enjoy reading. Often I'll follow a thread based purely on who is posting regularly (especially in the rules forum, where I don't have a lot to add but do have a lot to learn).

course Thread be Slaad best is of.

Every single forum games thread + anything that looks interesting and if I think its going to turn into a flame war I say that it will and leave and never look back. If it is a flame war ignore it, anything with an interesting rules combo, lots of things about player stories. Thats what I look at.

Dark Archive

I stay away from rules or char building advice threads, just seem incredibly boring.

I like GM advice threads and the Suggestion forums. Gaming philosophy as well as history and stories are usually fun, but the threads concerning if a paladin falls because he ate an innately evil goblin bebeh make my eyes gloss over.

Also 3rd party products are something I always check out. I post in these if I have the 3pp or if I follow their product lines for the same reason I try to post support or advice for other DMs/GMS - to help out. In the case of the former just to help out with promotion and discussion for products that are niche in an already small hobby, for the latter - just to help out other DMs/GMs.

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