Sidecart Weirdness? Order #3519558

Customer Service

Grand Lodge Contributor


I placed an order today that I wanted shipped as soon as possible, but it appears to be in my sidecart. I thought I had transferred it from my sidecart to ship ASAP but it's still there. Now I'm worried that I've ordered two of the same thing by mistake.

It's likely this is all my fault, but could you make sure it ships as soon as possible, and only one of them, not two, please!


Customer Service Representative

Hello Shaun Hocking,

I have moved the item out of your sidecart and set it to ship out right away. You should be receiving an email confirmation.

You did not end up ordering it twice. The sidecart has been a little combative lately. When you told it to ship right away it got pulled out of the sidecart. But the sidecart got lonely and still wanted it, so pulled it right back in.


Grand Lodge Contributor

I know how it feels.

Thanks, Diego! You're my favourite.

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