What Kind of Action to Light A Smoke Stick?

Rules Questions

Smoke sticks are super useful, but AFAIK there isn't anything definite on how difficult they are to activate.

The item description talks about burning the stick. Presumably this is a full round action (lighting a torch is)? Move to draw, move to draw flint and steel, full round to light? Seems very slow.

With a tinder twig, maybe a move to draw, move to draw the tinder twig, standard to light?

How have you run them in the past?

Grand Lodge

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My ifrit uses move to draw, free to drop, standard to spark.

No reason not to have a built in Tindertwig, open top rub scratchy surface to ignite the Tindertwig, which starts the smokestick......

KenderKin wrote:
No reason not to have a built in Tindertwig, open top rub scratchy surface to ignite the Tindertwig, which starts the smokestick......

this is houserule territorie but ask your GM if the local alchemist can make these.

I honestly thought it was part of the action of throwing it you set if off.
I supose due to watching Jurrassic park

I ask because my experience has been that people just pull them, pop them, and call it a day. I'm not sure that convenience is warranted by the rules, RAW they may be a bit of a pain to use quickly.

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