Dragon Disciple prereq's


Scarab Sages

I want to make a new Dragon Disciple with a new energy type. The Dragon Disciple requires a dragon bloodline. Since Linnorm is the wild blood for the dragon bloodline, can you use Linnorm to satisfy the dragoon bloodline requirement?

No, because it's no longer the Draconic Bloodline.

Linnorms are dragons. They don't provides the Draconic Bloodline. In fact, and ability the Linnorm bloodline replaces(claws) is a requirement for the dragon disciple's bite attack.

It's importat to realize Dragon Discple says you need to have the Draconic Bloodline. That being said, ask your GM.

They;'ve answered this one specifically for pfs and it was no unfortunately. I can dig up the reference if you'd like.

Though they DID allow the Outer Dragons modification from People of the Stars, gained through a trait.

Sovereign Court

Lord Twitchiopolis wrote:
Though they DID allow the Outer Dragons modification from People of the Stars, gained through a trait.

Paizo made some money off of me for offering Space Dragons :P

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