Elf Archer

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Organized Play Member. 21 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 20 Organized Play characters.


Scarab Sages

My witch is almost at 7th level. She has a boon that will allow her to take a Soul bound doll as an improved familiar. Can the soul bound doll use her wands since the witch gets her spells from her familiar anyway?

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

I have a dex heavy rouge that I want to be trip happy. I remember reading a feat that replaced dex for str in calculating CMB. I cannot recall the name of the feat nor the source I saw it in. Does anyone know what and where it is?

Scarab Sages

I have a winter witch that just turned third level. If I take Elemental Spell (cold), can I learn burning hands with the an ice modifier or is i9t still forbidden because it is at base a fire spell? I'm torn between taking combat casting and elemental spell metamagic feats.

Scarab Sages

I have a multi-class cleric and I was wondering if there was an item that I could use to increase his cleric abilities, similar to the effects Robes of Arcane Heritage has on sorcerers. If there is, what source is it in?

Scarab Sages

Chess Pwn wrote:
I'd it core mode? If so you can't go anything other than core monk

I'm switching her from core games to regular games so the core book only stuff doesn't apply.

Scarab Sages

I have a core monk that I have been playing in core games for a while. i want to convert him to an unchained monk. It's to late to use the free convergence that was offered when the Unchained book came out. I know I have to use the retraining rules in the Ultimate Campaign. My question is, do I use the arch-type rules or the class rules since they are both monks?

Scarab Sages

I told a player last week that she had to take a -4 penalty for casting a spell with a ranged touch attack on a target that was in melee. The player mentioned that she never had to take the penalty before. This was an experienced player. I checked the Core Rule book. Did I miss anything?

Scarab Sages

I just got a boon to play an Undine in PFS. I was thinking about making her a Winter Witch, but I'm not firm on that plan. I definitely want the amphibian racial trait though. If I stick with Winter Witch I was thinking about a seal as a familiar, but I didn't see it on the list of acceptable choices. Is there any way I can get it?

Scarab Sages

I have a question. The Core Rule book states that you can replace an animal companion with a 24-hour ceremony in the area in which the new companion lives, page 50. When you replace a companion in this manner, doesn't the companion come already trained with what the old companion had trained?

Scarab Sages 2/5

Follow up question, I probably know the answer, you still need the source the item comes from, right?

Scarab Sages 2/5

If core games can only use the core rules book, are you allowed to collect items on a chronicle sheet that are not in the core book?

Scarab Sages

I want to make a new Dragon Disciple with a new energy type. The Dragon Disciple requires a dragon bloodline. Since Linnorm is the wild blood for the dragon bloodline, can you use Linnorm to satisfy the dragoon bloodline requirement?

Scarab Sages

Hi guys, I'm making a Grimspawn Tiefling that I'm planning on making an Arcane Trickster (AT). A person told me that I could use his Death Knell as my 2nd level spell to fill that requirement. If this is true, then I could take AT at 5th level instead of 8th. Is there any sort of official ruling on this?

Scarab Sages

My plan is to maximize the shape change abilities and work in tandem with my lion companion.

Scarab Sages


That retraining would suit my plans. Where is that rule found?

Scarab Sages

My original plan was to get breast plate made out of dark wood have iron wood cast on it and have it made permanent. I know it would cost a lot of gold , but it would give ac +6 with ACP 0. If I calculated it correctly.

Scarab Sages

You mentioned Dragon Scale Full Plate, but don't you need a cert to get access to dragon scale armor?

Scarab Sages

I am making my first druid. I would like to take natural spell at first level and wild speak at third level. Both feats state that you have to have the wild shape class ability. I get to change at fourth level. I had one judge to tell me that I could take the feats and just not use them until fourth level. I had another judge tell me that I could not take the feats until after I could change shape. Which judge is right?

Scarab Sages

I was planning on building an arcane trickster alternating rouge with sorcerer (sage, I picked sage because it relies on int as opposed to char.) by two levels at a time.The first two levels would be rouge. My character is a tiefling with 18 in int., 17 in dex, 9 in char., 12 in con, and 10 in the remainders. I was thinking in taking toughness and rouge finesse in the fist two levels. Anyone have any suggestions?

Scarab Sages

I just recently created a halfling fighter that is an outrider (halfling racial) and a roughrider (fighter). Is it better to add levels of barbarian (mounted fury) or look at cavalier? I imagine big ugly old ogre's trembling in fear when they see him on his ring dog, lance at tyhe ready.